Game fruit ninja
Game fruit ninja yang dulu hanya bisa dimainkan melalui smartphone, kini dapat kita tampilkan dan mainkan dalam sebuah website. dengan bahasa pemrograman CSS, kita akan membuat background game. Sedangkan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript akan menampilkan game.
Lalu, bagaimana caranya membuat game fruit ninja dengan bahasa pemrograman CSS dan JavaScript? Mudah kok, yuk buka komputer kamudan ikuti beberapa langkah mudah di bawah ini.
1. Download dulu gambar dan file pendukung. Letakkan folder gambar dan file pandukung di folder yang sama dengan index.html dan style.css
2. Buka XAMPP Control Panel, serta aktifkan Apache.
3. Buka program teks editor yang ter-install di komputer kamu, disini saya menggunakan teks editor Notepad++. Ketikkan kode HTML5 berikut ini.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content="A simple HTML5 Template"> <meta name="author" content="dron"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Membuat Game Fruit Ninja dengan JavaScript</title> </head> <body> <div id="extra"></div> <div id="desc"> <div id="browser"></div> </div> <script src="scripts/script.js"></script> </body> </html>
Simpan kode HTLM5 di atas di folder xampplite – htdocs – buat folder baru dengan nama FruitNinja – simpan kode di atas dengan nama index.html.
4. Untuk melihat hasil script code di atas, kamu bisa buka browser kamu ketiklah http://localhost/FruitNinja.
5. Untuk membuat background game fruit ninja, ketikkan kode CSS berikut ini di halaman baru teks editor.
{include ../../system/css/reset.css} {include ../../system/css/common.css} html, body{ width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #b22222; } body{ position: relative; } em{ display: none; } #extra, #view{ position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 640px; height: 480px; margin: -280px auto auto -320px; text-align: left; background: #fff; } #view{ display: block; background: transparent url(blank.gif) repeat 0 0; cursor: default; z-index: 20; } #extra{ background: #000; } #extra .layer{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 640px; height: 480px; z-index: 10; } #fork{ display: block; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 356px; height: 92px; cursor: pointer; background-image: url(fork.gif); z-index: 0; } #desc{ width: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; height: 80px; color: #ccc; line-height: 40px; margin-top: 200px; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; } #desc a{ color: #318fe1; } #browser{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 16px; } #browser .b{ color: #fff; font-weight: 700; }
Simpan kode CSS di folder xampplite – htdocs – buka folder FruitNinja – simpan code CSS dengan nama style.css.
6. Reload alamat url : http://localhost/FruitNinja. Tampilan background dari game fruit ninja.
7. Untuk menampilkan game dan agar game bisa dimainkan, ketikkan kode JavaScript berikut ini di halaman baru teks editor.
void function(global){ var mapping = {}, cache = {}; global.startModule = function(m){ require(m).start(); }; global.define = function(id, func){ mapping[id] = func; }; global.require = function(id){ if(!/.js$/.test(id)) id += '.js'; if(cache[id]) return cache[id]; else return cache[id] = mapping[id]({}); }; }(this); define("scripts/collide.js", function(exports){ var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var fruits = fruit.getFruitInView(); exports.check = function( knife ){ var ret = [], index = 0; fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){ var ck = lineInEllipse( knife.slice( 0, 2 ), knife.slice( 2, 4 ), [ fruit.originX, fruit.originY ], fruit.radius ); if( ck ) ret[ index ++ ] = fruit; }); return ret; }; function sqr(x){ return x * x; } function sign(n){ return n < 0 ? -1 : ( n > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); } function equation12( a, b, c ){ if(a == 0)return; var delta = b * b - 4 * a * c; if(delta == 0) return [ -1 * b / (2 * a), -1 * b / (2 * a) ]; else if(delta > 0) return [ (-1 * b + Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a), (-1 * b - Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a) ]; } function lineXEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ){ if (r <= 0) return; e = e === undefined ? 1 : e; var t1 = r, t2 = r * e, k; a = sqr( t2) * sqr(p1[0] - p2[0]) + sqr(t1) * sqr(p1[1] - p2[1]); if (a <= 0) return; b = 2 * sqr(t2) * (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p1[0] - c[0]) + 2 * sqr(t1) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p1[1] - c[1]); c = sqr(t2) * sqr(p1[0] - c[0]) + sqr(t1) * sqr(p1[1] - c[1]) - sqr(t1) * sqr(t2); if (!( k = equation12(a, b, c, t1, t2) )) return; var result = [ [ p1[0] + k[0] * (p2[0] - p1[0]), p1[1] + k[0] * (p2[1] - p1[1]) ], [ p1[0] + k[1] * (p2[0] - p1[0]), p1[1] + k[1] * (p2[1] - p1[1]) ] ]; if ( !( ( sign( result[0][0] - p1[0] ) * sign( result[0][0] - p2[0] ) <= 0 ) && ( sign( result[0][1] - p1[1] ) * sign( result[0][1] - p2[1] ) <= 0 ) ) ) result[0] = null; if ( !( ( sign( result[1][0] - p1[0] ) * sign( result[1][0] - p2[0] ) <= 0 ) && ( sign( result[1][1] - p1[1] ) * sign( result[1][1] - p2[1] ) <= 0 ) ) ) result[1] = null; return result; } function lineInEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ){ var t = lineXEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ); return t && ( t[0] || t[1] ); }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptscontrol.js */ define("scripts/control.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var knife = require("scripts/object/knife"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var canvasLeft, canvasTop; canvasLeft = canvasTop = 0; exports.init = function(){ this.fixCanvasPos(); this.installDragger(); this.installClicker(); }; exports.installDragger = function(){ var dragger = new Ucren.BasicDrag({ type: "calc" }); dragger.on("returnValue", function( dx, dy, x, y, kf ){ if( kf = knife.through( x - canvasLeft, y - canvasTop ) ) message.postMessage( kf, "slice" ); }); dragger.on("startDrag", function(){ knife.newKnife(); }); dragger.bind( document.documentElement ); }; exports.installClicker = function(){ Ucren.addEvent(document, "click", function(){ if( state( "click-enable" ).ison() ) message.postMessage( "click" ); }); }; exports.fixCanvasPos = function(){ var de = document.documentElement; var fix = function(e){ canvasLeft = (de.clientWidth - 640) / 2; canvasTop = (de.clientHeight - 480) / 2 - 40; }; fix(); Ucren.addEvent(window, "resize", fix); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsgame.js */ define("scripts/game.js", function(exports){ /** * game logic */ var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound"); var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit"); var score = require("scripts/object/score"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var lose = require("scripts/object/lose"); var gameOver = require("scripts/object/game-over"); var knife = require("scripts/object/knife"); // var sence = require("scripts/sence"); var background = require("scripts/object/background"); var light = require("scripts/object/light"); var scoreNumber = 0; var random = Ucren.randomNumber; var volleyNum = 2, volleyMultipleNumber = 5; var fruits = []; var gameInterval; var snd; var boomSnd; // fruit barbette var barbette = function(){ if( fruits.length >= volleyNum ) return ; var startX = random( 640 ), endX = random( 640 ), startY = 600; var f = fruit.create( startX, startY ).shotOut( 0, endX ); fruits.push( f );; barbette(); }; // start game exports.start = function(){ snd = sound.create( "sound/throw" ); boomSnd = sound.create( "sound/boom" ); timeline.setTimeout(function(){ state( "game-state" ).set( "playing" ); gameInterval = timeline.setInterval( barbette, 1e3 ); }, 500); }; exports.gameOver = function(){ state( "game-state" ).set( "over" ); gameInterval.stop();; // timeline.setTimeout(function(){ // // sence.switchSence( "home-menu" ); // message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" ); // }, 2000); scoreNumber = 0; volleyNum = 2; fruits.length = 0; }; exports.applyScore = function( score ){ if( score > volleyNum * volleyMultipleNumber ) volleyNum ++, volleyMultipleNumber += 50; }; exports.sliceAt = function( fruit, angle ){ var index; if( state( "game-state" ).isnot( "playing" ) ) return; if( fruit.type != "boom" ){ fruit.broken( angle ); if( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) fruits.splice( index, 1 ); score.number( ++ scoreNumber ); this.applyScore( scoreNumber ); }else{; this.pauseAllFruit(); background.wobble(); light.start( fruit ); } }; exports.pauseAllFruit = function(){ gameInterval.stop(); knife.pause(); fruits.invoke( "pause" ); }; // message.addEventListener("fruit.fallOff", function( fruit ){ // var index; // if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 ) // fruits.splice( index, 1 ); // }); message.addEventListener("fruit.remove", function( fruit ){ var index; if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 ) fruits.splice( index, 1 ); }); message.addEventListener("fruit.fallOutOfViewer", function( fruit ){ if( state( "game-state" ).isnot( "playing" ) ) return ; if( fruit.type != "boom" ) lose.showLoseAt( fruit.originX ); }); message.addEventListener("game.over", function(){ exports.gameOver(); knife.switchOn(); }); message.addEventListener("", function(){ knife.endAll(); for(var i = fruits.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) fruits[i].remove(); background.stop(); }); message.addEventListener("click", function(){ state( "click-enable" ).off(); gameOver.hide(); message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" ); });; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslayer.js */ define("scripts/layer.js", function(exports){ /** * layer manager */ var Raphael = require("scripts/lib/raphael"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var layers = {}; var zindexs = { "default": zi(), "light": zi(), "knife": zi(), "fruit": zi(), "juice": zi(), "flash": zi(), "mask": zi() }; exports.createImage = function( layer, src, x, y, w, h ){ layer = this.getLayer( layer ); return layer.image( src, x, y, w, h ); }; exports.createText = function( layer, text, x, y, fill, size ){ layer = this.getLayer( layer ); if( Ucren.isIe ) y += 2; return layer.text(x, y, text).attr({ fill: fill || "#fff", "font-size": size || "14px", "font-family": "黑体", "text-anchor": "start" }); }; exports.getLayer = function( name ){ var p, layer; name = name || "default"; if( p = layers[name] ){ return p; }else{ layer = Ucren.makeElement( "div", { "class": "layer", "style": "z-index: " + ( zindexs[name] || 0 ) + ";" } ); Ucren.Element( "extra" ).add( layer ); p = layers[name] = Raphael( layer, 640, 480 ); // if( Ucren.isSafari ) // p.safari(); return p; } }; function zi(){ return zi.num = ++ zi.num || 2; }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsmain.js */ define("scripts/main.js", function(exports){ var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var tools = require("scripts/tools"); var sence = require("scripts/sence"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var buzz = require("scripts/lib/buzz"); var control = require("scripts/control"); var csl = require("scripts/object/console"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var game = require("scripts/game"); var collide = require("scripts/collide"); var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline ); var log = function(){ var time = 1e3, add = 300, fn; fn = function( text ){ setTimeout( function(){ csl.log( text ); }, time ); time += add; }; fn.clear = function(){ setTimeout( csl.clear.bind( csl ), time ); time += add; }; return fn; }(); exports.start = function(){ [ timeline, sence, control ].invoke( "init" ); log( "" ); log( "" ); log( "" ); log( "" ); log( "" ); log( "" ); log.clear(); setTimeout( sence.switchSence.saturate( sence, "home-menu" ), 3000 ); }; message.addEventListener("slice", function( knife ){ var fruits = collide.check( knife ), angle; if( fruits.length ) angle = tools.getAngleByRadian( tools.pointToRadian( knife.slice(0, 2), knife.slice(2, 4) ) ), fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){ message.postMessage( fruit, angle, "" ); }); }); message.addEventListener("", function( fruit, angle ){ if( state( "sence-state" ).isnot( "ready" ) ) return ; if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "game-body" ) ){ game.sliceAt( fruit, angle ); return ; } if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "home-menu" ) ){ fruit.broken( angle ); if( fruit.isHomeMenu ) switch( 1 ){ case fruit.isDojoIcon: sence.switchSence( "dojo-body" ); break; case fruit.isNewGameIcon: sence.switchSence( "game-body" ); break; case fruit.isQuitIcon: sence.switchSence( "quit-body" ); break; } return ; } }); var tip = ""; if( !Ucren.isChrome ) tip = ""; if( !buzz.isSupported() ) tip = tip.replace( "$", "" ); tip = tip.replace( "$", "" ); Ucren.Element( "browser" ).html( tip );; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsmessage.js */ define("scripts/message.js", function(exports){ /** * a simple message manager * @author dron * @date 2012-06-27 */ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); /** * send a message * @param {Any} message,message... message contents * @param {String} to message address */ exports.postMessage = function( message/*, message, message... */, to ){ var messages = [] arguments, 0 ), splitIndex = messages.length - 1; to = messages[ splitIndex ]; messages.slice( 0, splitIndex ); Ucren.dispatch( to, messages ); }; /** * bind an message handler * @param {String} from message address * @param {Function} fn message handler */ exports.addEventListener = function( from, fn ){ Ucren.dispatch( from, fn ); }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptssence.js */ define("scripts/sence.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound"); var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit"); var flash = require("scripts/object/flash"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var message = require("scripts/message"); // the fixed elements var background = require("scripts/object/background"); var fps = require("scripts/object/fps"); // the home page elements var homeMask = require("scripts/object/home-mask"); var logo = require("scripts/object/logo"); var ninja = require("scripts/object/ninja") var homeDesc = require("scripts/object/home-desc"); var dojo = require("scripts/object/dojo"); var newGame = require("scripts/object/new-game"); var quit = require("scripts/object/quit"); var newSign = require("scripts/object/new"); var peach, sandia, boom; // the elements in game body var score = require("scripts/object/score"); var lose = require("scripts/object/lose"); // the game logic var game = require("scripts/game"); // the elements in 'developing' module var developing = require("scripts/object/developing"); var gameOver = require("scripts/object/game-over"); // commons var message = require("scripts/message"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline ); var setInterval = timeline.setInterval.bind( timeline ); var menuSnd; var gameStartSnd; // initialize sence exports.init = function(){ menuSnd = sound.create( "sound/menu" ); gameStartSnd = sound.create( "sound/start" ); [ background, homeMask, logo, ninja, homeDesc, dojo, newSign, newGame, quit, score, lose, developing, gameOver, flash, fps ].invoke( "set" ); setInterval( fps.update.bind( fps ), 500 ); }; // switch sence exports.switchSence = function( name ){ var curSence = state( "sence-name" ); var senceState = state( "sence-state" ); if( name ) ) return ; var onHide = function(){ curSence.set( name ); senceState.set( "entering" ); switch( name ){ case "home-menu": this.showMenu( onShow ); break; case "dojo-body": this.showDojo( onShow ); break; case "game-body": this.showNewGame( onShow ); break; case "quit-body": this.showQuit( onShow ); break; } }.bind( this ); var onShow = function(){ senceState.set( "ready" ); if( name == "dojo-body" || name == "quit-body" ){ exports.switchSence( "home-menu" ); } }; senceState.set( "exiting" ); if( curSence.isunset() ) onHide(); else if( "home-menu" ) ) this.hideMenu( onHide ); else if( "dojo-body" ) ) this.hideDojo( onHide ); else if( "game-body" ) ) this.hideNewGame( onHide ); else if( "quit-body" ) ) this.hideQuit( onHide ); }; // to enter home page menu exports.showMenu = function( callback ){ var callee = arguments.callee; var times = callee.times = ++ callee.times || 1; peach = fruit.create( "peach", 137, 333, true ); sandia = fruit.create( "sandia", 330, 322, true ); boom = fruit.create( "boom", 552, 367, true, 2500 ); [ peach, sandia, boom ].forEach(function( f ){ f.isHomeMenu = 1; }); peach.isDojoIcon = sandia.isNewGameIcon = boom.isQuitIcon = 1; var group = [ [ homeMask, 0 ], [ logo, 0 ], [ ninja, 500 ], [ homeDesc, 1500 ], [ dojo, 2000 ], [ newGame, 2000 ], [ quit, 2000 ], [ newSign, 2000 ], [ peach, 2000 ], [ sandia, 2000 ], [ boom, 2000 ] ]; group.invoke( "show" ); [ peach, sandia ].invoke( "rotate", 2500 );; setTimeout( callback, 2500 ); }; // to exit home page menu exports.hideMenu = function( callback ){ [ newSign, dojo, newGame, quit ].invoke( "hide" ); [ homeMask, logo, ninja, homeDesc ].invoke( "hide" ); [ peach, sandia, boom ].invoke( "fallOff", 150 ); menuSnd.stop(); setTimeout( callback, fruit.getDropTimeSetting() ); }; // to enter game body exports.showNewGame = function( callback ){;; game.start();; setTimeout( callback, 1000 ); }; // to exit game body exports.hideNewGame = function( callback ){ score.hide(); lose.hide(); gameStartSnd.stop(); setTimeout( callback, 1000 ); }; // to enter dojo mode exports.showDojo = function( callback ){ 250 ); setTimeout( callback, 1500 ); }; // to exit dojo mode exports.hideDojo = function( callback ){ // TODO: setTimeout( callback, 1000 ); }; // to enter quit page exports.showQuit = function( callback ){ 250 ); setTimeout( callback, 1500 ); }; // to exit quit page exports.hideQuit = function( callback ){ // TODO: setTimeout( callback, 1000 ); }; message.addEventListener("sence.switchSence", function( name ){ exports.switchSence( name ); });; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsstate.js */ define("scripts/state.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); /** * usage: * state( key ).is( value ) -> determine if the value of key is the given value * state( key ).isnot( value ) -> determine if the value of key is not given value * state( key ).ison() -> determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'true' * state( key ).isoff() -> determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'false' * state( key ).isunset() -> determine if the value of key is undefined * state( key ).set( value ) -> set the value of key to a given value * state( key ).get() -> get the value of key * state( key ).on() -> set the value of key to boolean value 'true' * state( key ).off() -> set the value of key to boolean value 'false' */ var stack = {}; var cache = {}; exports = function( key ){ if( cache[ key ] ) return cache[ key ]; return cache[ key ] = { is: function( value ){ return stack[key] === value; }, isnot: function( value ){ return stack[key] !== value; }, ison: function(){ return true ); }, isoff: function(){ return this.isnot( true ); }, isunset: function(){ return undefined ); }, set: function( value ){ return stack[key] = value; }, get: function(){ return stack[key]; }, on: function(){ var me = this; me.set( true ); return { keep: function( time ){ timeline.setTimeout( me.set.saturate( me, false ), time ); } } }, off: function(){ var me = this; me.set( false ); return { keep: function( time ){ timeline.setTimeout( me.set.saturate( me, true ), time ); } } } } };; return exports; }); define("scripts/timeline.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); /** * initialize timeline */ exports.init = function(){ var me = this; me.startTime = now(); me.count = 0; // var interval = function(){ // me.count ++; // update( now() ); // requestAnimationFrame( interval ); // }; // interval(); var time = 1; // if( Ucren.isSafari ) // time = 10; setInterval( function(){ me.count ++; update( now() ); }, time ); }; /** * create a task * @param {Object} conf the config * @return {Task} a task instance */ exports.createTask = function( conf ){ /* e.g. createTask({ start: 500, duration: 2000, data: [a, b, c,..], object: module, onTimeUpdate: fn(time, a, b, c,..), onTimeStart: fn(a, b, c,..), onTimeEnd: fn(a, b, c,..), recycle: [] }); */ var task = createTask(conf); addingTasks.unshift( task ); adding = 1; if( conf.recycle ) this.taskList( conf.recycle, task ); return task; }; /** * use a array to recycle the task * @param {Array} queue be use for recycling task * @param {Task} task a task instance * @return {Array} this queue */ exports.taskList = function( queue, task ){ if( !queue.clear ) queue.clear = function(){ for(var task, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) task = this[i], task.stop(), this.splice( i, 1 ); return this; }; if( task ) queue.unshift( task ); return queue; }; /** * create a timer for once callback * @param {Function} fn callback function * @param {Number} time time, unit: ms */ exports.setTimeout = function( fn, time ){ // e.g. setTimeout(fn, time); return this.createTask({ start: time, duration: 0, onTimeStart: fn }); }; /** * create a timer for ongoing callback * @param {Function} fn callback function * @param {Number} time time, unit: ms */ exports.setInterval = function( fn, time ){ // e.g. setInterval(fn, time); var timer = setInterval( fn, time ); return { stop: function(){ clearInterval( timer ); } }; }; /** * get the current fps * @return {Number} fps number */ exports.getFPS = function(){ var t = now(), fps = this.count / (t - this.startTime) * 1e3; if(this.count > 1e3) this.count = 0, this.startTime = t; return fps; }; /** * @private */ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var tasks = [], addingTasks = [], adding = 0; var now = function(){ return new Date().getTime(); }; var requestAnimationFrame = function( glob ){ return glob.requestAnimationFrame || glob.mozRequestAnimationFrame || glob.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || glob.msRequestAnimationFrame || glob.oRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ) { setTimeout( callback, 1 ); }; }( window ); var createTask = function( conf ){ var object = conf.object || {}; conf.start = conf.start || 0; return { start: conf.start + now(), duration: conf.duration == -1 ? 86400000 : conf.duration, data: ? [0].concat( ) : [0], started: 0, object: object, onTimeStart: conf.onTimeStart || object.onTimeStart || Ucren.nul, onTimeUpdate: conf.onTimeUpdate || object.onTimeUpdate || Ucren.nul, onTimeEnd: conf.onTimeEnd || object.onTimeEnd || Ucren.nul, stop: function(){ this.stopped = 1; } } }; var updateTask = function( task, time ){ var data =; data[0] = time; task.onTimeUpdate.apply( task.object, data ); }; var checkStartTask = function( task ){ if( !task.started ){ task.started = 1; task.onTimeStart.apply( task.object, ); updateTask( task, 0 ); } }; var update = function(time){ var i = tasks.length, t, task, start, duration, data; while( i -- ){ task = tasks[i]; start = task.start; duration = task.duration; if( time >= start ){ if( task.stopped ){ tasks.splice( i, 1 ); continue; } checkStartTask( task ); if( ( t = time - start ) < duration ) updateTask( task, t ); else updateTask( task, duration ), task.onTimeEnd.apply( task.object, ), tasks.splice( i, 1 ); } } if( adding ){ tasks.unshift.apply( tasks, addingTasks ); addingTasks.length = adding = 0; } };; return exports; }); define("scripts/tools.js", function(exports){ exports.unsetObject = function( object ){ for(var i in object) if(object.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof object[i] == "function") object[i] = function(){}; }; exports.getAngleByRadian = function( radian ){ return radian * 180 / Math.PI; } exports.pointToRadian = function( origin, point ){ var PI = Math.PI; if( point[0] === origin[0] ){ if ( point[1] > origin[1] ) return PI * 0.5; return PI * 1.5 }else if( point[1] === origin[1] ){ if ( point[0] > origin[0] ) return 0; return PI; } var t = Math.atan( ( origin[1] - point[1] ) / ( origin[0] - point[0] ) ); if( point[0] > origin[0] && point[1] < origin[1] ) return t + 2 * PI; if( point[0] > origin[0] && point[1] > origin[1] ) return t; return t + PI; }; return exports; }); define("scripts/factory/displacement.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports.create = function( imageSrc, width, height, origX, origY, targetX, targetY, animMap, animDur ){ var module = {}; var image; var anim = {}; if( typeof animMap === "function" ) = anim.hide = animMap; else anim = animMap; var createTask = function( start, duration, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: duration, object: module, data: [ sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ], onTimeUpdate: module.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: module.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: module.onTimeEnd, recycle: module.anims }); }; module.anims = []; module.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", imageSrc, origX, origY, width, height ); }; = function( start ){ createTask( start, animDur, origX, origY, targetX, targetY,, "show" ); }; module.hide = function(){ this.anims.clear(); createTask( 0, animDur, targetX, targetY, origX, origY, anim.hide, "hide" ); }; module.onTimeUpdate = function( time, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){ image.attr( { x: anim( time, sx, ex - sx, animDur ), y: anim( time, sy, ey - sy, animDur ) } ); }; module.onTimeStart = function(){ }; module.onTimeEnd = function( sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){ if( anim === "hide" ) image.hide(); }; return module; };; return exports; }); define("scripts/factory/fruit.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var flame = require("scripts/object/flame"); var flash = require("scripts/object/flash"); var juice = require("scripts/factory/juice"); var ie = Ucren.isIe; var safari = Ucren.isSafari; var zoomAnim =; var rotateAnim = tween.circular; var linearAnim = tween.linear; var dropAnim =; var fallOffAnim =; var random = Ucren.randomNumber; var min = Math.min; var average = function( a, b ){ return ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) >> 0; }; var dropTime = 1200, dropXScope = 200, shadowPos = 50; var infos = { // type: [ imageSrc, width, height, radius, fixAngle, isReverse, juiceColor ] boom: [ "images/fruit/boom.png", 66, 68, 26, 0, 0, null ], peach: [ "images/fruit/peach.png", 62, 59, 37, -50, 0, "#e6c731" ], sandia: [ "images/fruit/sandia.png", 98, 85, 38, -100, 0, "#c00" ], apple: [ "images/fruit/apple.png", 66, 66, 31, -54, 0, "#c8e925" ], banana: [ "images/fruit/banana.png", 126, 50, 43, 90, 0, null ], basaha: [ "images/fruit/basaha.png", 68, 72, 32, -135, 0, "#c00" ] }; var types = [ "peach", "sandia", "apple", "banana", "basaha" ]; // var types = [ "sandia", "boom" ]; var rotateSpeed = [ 60, 50, 40, -40, -50, -60 ]; var fruitCache = []; function ClassFruit(conf){ var info = infos[ conf.type ], radius = info[3]; this.type = conf.type; this.originX = conf.originX; this.originY = conf.originY; this.radius = radius; this.startX = conf.originX; this.startY = conf.originY; this.radius = radius; this.anims = []; if( this.type === "boom" ) this.flame = flame.create( this.startX - radius + 4, this.startY - radius + 5, conf.flameStart || 0 ); } ClassFruit.prototype.set = function( hide ){ var inf = infos[ this.type ], radius = this.radius; this.shadow = layer.createImage( "fruit", "images/shadow.png", this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius + shadowPos, 106, 77 ); this.image = layer.createImage( "fruit", inf[0], this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] ); if( hide ) this.image.hide(), this.shadow.hide(); return this; }; ClassFruit.prototype.pos = function( x, y ){ var r = this.radius; this.originX = x; this.originY = y; this.image.attr({ x: x -= r, y: y -= r }); this.shadow.attr({ x: x, y: y + shadowPos }); if( this.type === "boom" ) this.flame.pos( x + 4, y + 5 ); if( this.fallOffing && !this.fallOutOfViewerCalled && y > 480 + this.radius ) this.fallOutOfViewerCalled = 1, message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOutOfViewer" ); }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeStart: this.onShowStart, recycle: this.anims }); }; ClassFruit.prototype.hide = function( start ){ if( this.type !== "boom" ) // if it is not a boom, it can't to be hide. return ; this.anims.clear(); this.flame.remove(); timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeEnd: this.onHideEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; ClassFruit.prototype.rotate = function( start, speed ){ this.rotateSpeed = speed || rotateSpeed[ random( 6 ) ]; timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: -1, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onRotating, recycle: this.anims }); }; ClassFruit.prototype.broken = function( angle ){ if( this.brokend )return; this.brokend = true; var index; if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 ) fruitCache.splice( index, 1 ); if( this.type !== "boom" ) flash.showAt( this.originX, this.originY, angle ), juice.create( this.originX, this.originY, infos[ this.type ][6] ), this.apart( angle ); else this.hide(); }; ClassFruit.prototype.pause = function(){ if( this.brokend ) return; this.anims.clear(); if( this.type == "boom" ) this.flame.remove(); }; ClassFruit.prototype.apart = function( angle ){ this.anims.clear(); this.image.hide(); this.shadow.hide(); this.aparted = true; var inf = infos[ this.type ], preSrc = inf[0].replace( ".png", "" ), radius = this.radius; var create = layer.createImage.saturate( layer, this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] ); angle = ( ( angle % 180 ) + 360 + inf[4] ) % 360; this.bImage1 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-1.png" ); this.bImage2 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-2.png" ); [ this.bImage1, this.bImage2 ].invoke( "rotate", angle ); this.apartAngle = angle; timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: dropTime, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onBrokenDropUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onBrokenDropStart, onTimeEnd: this.onBrokenDropEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; ClassFruit.prototype.shotOut = function(){ var sign = [ -1, 1 ]; return function( start, endX ){ this.shotOutStartX = this.originX; this.shotOutStartY = this.originY; this.shotOutEndX = average( this.originX, endX ); this.shotOutEndY = min( this.startY - random( this.startY - 100 ), 200 ); this.fallOffToX = endX; timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onShotOuting, onTimeStart: this.onShotOutStart, onTimeEnd: this.onShotOutEnd, recycle: this.anims }); if( this.type != "boom" ) this.rotate( 0, ( random( 180 ) + 90 ) * sign[ random( 2 ) ] ); return this; }; }(); ClassFruit.prototype.fallOff = function(){ var sign = [ -1, 1 ]; var signIndex = 0; return function( start, x ){ if( this.aparted || this.brokend ) return ; this.fallOffing = 1; var y = 600; if( typeof x !== "number" ) x = this.originX + random( dropXScope ) * sign[ ( signIndex ++ ) % 2 ]; this.fallTargetX = x; this.fallTargetY = y; timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onFalling, onTimeStart: this.onFallStart, onTimeEnd: this.onFallEnd, recycle: this.anims }); } }(); ClassFruit.prototype.remove = function(){ var index; this.anims.clear(); if( this.image ) this.image.remove(), this.shadow.remove(); if( this.bImage1 ) this.bImage1.remove(), this.bImage2.remove(); if( this.type === "boom" ) this.flame.remove(); if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 ) fruitCache.splice( index, 1 ); for(var name in this) if( typeof this[name] === "function" ) this[name] = function( name ){ return function(){ throw new Error( "method " + name + " has been removed" ); }; }( name ); else delete this[name]; message.postMessage( this, "fruit.remove" ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onShowStart = function(){; //; }; ClassFruit.prototype.onScaling = function( time, a, b, z ){ this.image.scale( z = zoomAnim( time, a, b - a, 500 ), z ); this.shadow.scale( z, z ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onHideEnd = function(){ this.remove(); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onRotateStart = function(){ }; ClassFruit.prototype.onRotating = function( time ){ this.image.rotate( ( this.rotateSpeed * time / 1e3 ) % 360, true ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropUpdate = function( time ){ var radius = this.radius; this.bImage1.attr({ x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX1, dropTime ), y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY1 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) }).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage1RotateAngle, dropTime ), true ); this.bImage2.attr({ x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX2, dropTime ), y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY2 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) }).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage2RotateAngle, dropTime ), true ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropStart = function(){ this.brokenTargetX1 = -( random( dropXScope ) + 75 ); this.brokenTargetX2 = random( dropXScope + 75 ); this.brokenTargetY1 = 600; this.brokenTargetY2 = 600; this.brokenPosX = this.originX; this.brokenPosY = this.originY; this.bImage1RotateAngle = - random( 150 ) - 50; this.bImage2RotateAngle = random( 150 ) + 50; for(var f, i = fruitCache.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) if( fruitCache[i] === this ) fruitCache.splice( i, 1 ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropEnd = function(){ this.remove(); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOuting = function( time ){ this.pos( linearAnim( time, this.shotOutStartX, this.shotOutEndX - this.shotOutStartX, dropTime ), fallOffAnim( time, this.shotOutStartY, this.shotOutEndY - this.shotOutStartY, dropTime ) ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutStart = function(){ // body... }; ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutEnd = function(){ this.fallOff( 0, this.fallOffToX ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onFalling = function( time ){ this.pos( linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX, this.fallTargetX - this.brokenPosX, dropTime ), dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY, this.fallTargetY - this.brokenPosY, dropTime ) ); }; ClassFruit.prototype.onFallStart = function(){ this.brokenPosX = this.originX; this.brokenPosY = this.originY; }; ClassFruit.prototype.onFallEnd = function(){ message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOff" ); this.remove(); }; exports.create = function( type, originX, originY, isHide, flameStart ){ if( typeof type == "number" ) // 缺省 type isHide = originY, originY = originX, originX = type, type = getType(); var fruit = new ClassFruit({ type: type, originX: originX, originY: originY, flameStart: flameStart }).set( isHide ); fruitCache.unshift( fruit ); return fruit; }; exports.getFruitInView = function(){ return fruitCache; }; exports.getDropTimeSetting = function(){ return dropTime; }; function getType(){ if( random( 8 ) == 4 ) return "boom"; else return types[ random( 5 ) ]; }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsfactoryjuice.js */ define("scripts/factory/juice.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer("juice"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var tools = require("scripts/tools"); var random = Ucren.randomNumber; var dur = 1500; var anim =; var dropAnim =; var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; var switchOn = true; var num = 10; if( Ucren.isIe || Ucren.isSafari ) num = 7; function ClassJuice( x, y, color ){ this.originX = x; this.originY = y; this.color = color; this.distance = random( 200 ) + 100; this.radius = 10; this.dir = random( 360 ) * Math.PI / 180; } ClassJuice.prototype.render = function(){ = this.originX, this.originY, this.radius ).attr({ fill: this.color, stroke: "none" }); }; ClassJuice.prototype.sputter = function(){ timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: dur, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd }); }; ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeUpdate = function( time ){ var distance, x, y, z; distance = anim( time, 0, this.distance, dur ); x = this.originX + distance * cos( this.dir ); y = this.originY + distance * sin( this.dir ) + dropAnim( time, 0, 200, dur ); z = anim( time, 1, -1, dur );{ cx: x, cy: y }).scale( z, z ); }; ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeEnd = function(){; tools.unsetObject( this ); }; exports.create = switchOn ? function( x, y, color ){ for(var i = 0; i < num; i ++) this.createOne( x, y, color ); } : Ucren.nul; exports.createOne = function( x, y, color ){ if( !color ) return; var juice = new ClassJuice( x, y, color ); juice.render(); juice.sputter(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsfactoryrotate.js */ define("scripts/factory/rotate.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); exports.create = function( imageSrc, x, y, w, h, z, anim, animDur ){ var module = {}, image; var rotateDire = [12, -12][Ucren.randomNumber(2)]; var defaultAngle = Ucren.randomNumber(360); module.anims = []; module.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", imageSrc, x, y, w, h ).scale( z, z ).rotate( defaultAngle, true ); }; = function(start){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animDur, object: this, data: [z, 1], onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeEnd: this.onShowEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; module.hide = function(start){ this.anims.clear(); timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animDur, object: this, data: [ 1, z ], onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, recycle: this.anims }); }; module.onShowEnd = function(name){ this.anims.clear(); timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: -1, object: this, onTimeUpdate: module.onRotating, recycle: this.anims }); }; module.onZooming = function(){ var z; return function( time, a, b ){ image.scale( z = anim( time, a, b - a, animDur ), z ); } }(); module.onRotating = function(){ var lastTime = 0, an = defaultAngle; return function( time, name, a, b ){ an = ( an + ( time - lastTime ) / 1e3 * rotateDire ) % 360; image.rotate( an, true ); lastTime = time; } }(); return module; }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslibbuzz.js */ define("scripts/lib/buzz.js", function(exports){ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Buzz, a Javascript HTML5 Audio library // v 1.0.x beta // Licensed under the MIT license. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2011 Jay Salvat // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var buzz = { defaults: { autoplay: false, duration: 5000, formats: [], loop: false, placeholder: '--', preload: 'metadata', volume: 80 }, types: { 'mp3': 'audio/mpeg', 'ogg': 'audio/ogg', 'wav': 'audio/wav', 'aac': 'audio/aac', 'm4a': 'audio/x-m4a' }, sounds: [], el: document.createElement( 'audio' ), sound: function( src, options ) { options = options || {}; var pid = 0, events = [], eventsOnce = {}, supported = buzz.isSupported(); // publics this.load = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.load(); return this; }; = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; }; return this; }; this.togglePlay = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } if ( this.sound.paused ) {; } else { this.sound.pause(); } return this; }; this.pause = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.pause(); return this; }; this.isPaused = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.paused; }; this.stop = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.setTime( this.getDuration() ); this.sound.pause(); return this; }; this.isEnded = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.ended; }; this.loop = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.loop = 'loop'; this.bind( 'ended.buzzloop', function() { this.currentTime = 0;; }); return this; }; this.unloop = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.removeAttribute( 'loop' ); this.unbind( 'ended.buzzloop' ); return this; }; this.mute = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.muted = true; return this; }; this.unmute = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.muted = false; return this; }; this.toggleMute = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.muted = !this.sound.muted; return this; }; this.isMuted = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.muted; }; this.setVolume = function( volume ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } if ( volume < 0 ) { volume = 0; } if ( volume > 100 ) { volume = 100; } this.volume = volume; this.sound.volume = volume / 100; return this; }; this.getVolume = function() { if ( !supported ) { return this; } return this.volume; }; this.increaseVolume = function( value ) { return this.setVolume( this.volume + ( value || 1 ) ); }; this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) { return this.setVolume( this.volume - ( value || 1 ) ); }; this.setTime = function( time ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.whenReady( function() { this.sound.currentTime = time; }); return this; }; this.getTime = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } var time = Math.round( this.sound.currentTime * 100 ) / 100; return isNaN( time ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : time; }; this.setPercent = function( percent ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } return this.setTime( buzz.fromPercent( percent, this.sound.duration ) ); }; this.getPercent = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } var percent = Math.round( buzz.toPercent( this.sound.currentTime, this.sound.duration ) ); return isNaN( percent ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : percent; }; this.setSpeed = function( duration ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound.playbackRate = duration; }; this.getSpeed = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.playbackRate; }; this.getDuration = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } var duration = Math.round( this.sound.duration * 100 ) / 100; return isNaN( duration ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : duration; }; this.getPlayed = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return timerangeToArray( this.sound.played ); }; this.getBuffered = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return timerangeToArray( this.sound.buffered ); }; this.getSeekable = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return timerangeToArray( this.sound.seekable ); }; this.getErrorCode = function() { if ( supported && this.sound.error ) { return this.sound.error.code; } return 0; }; this.getErrorMessage = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } switch( this.getErrorCode() ) { case 1: return 'MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED'; case 2: return 'MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'; case 3: return 'MEDIA_ERR_DECODE'; case 4: return 'MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED'; default: return null; } }; this.getStateCode = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.readyState; }; this.getStateMessage = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } switch( this.getStateCode() ) { case 0: return 'HAVE_NOTHING'; case 1: return 'HAVE_METADATA'; case 2: return 'HAVE_CURRENT_DATA'; case 3: return 'HAVE_FUTURE_DATA'; case 4: return 'HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA'; default: return null; } }; this.getNetworkStateCode = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return this.sound.networkState; }; this.getNetworkStateMessage = function() { if ( !supported ) { return null; } switch( this.getNetworkStateCode() ) { case 0: return 'NETWORK_EMPTY'; case 1: return 'NETWORK_IDLE'; case 2: return 'NETWORK_LOADING'; case 3: return 'NETWORK_NO_SOURCE'; default: return null; } }; this.set = function( key, value ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.sound[ key ] = value; return this; }; this.get = function( key ) { if ( !supported ) { return null; } return key ? this.sound[ key ] : this.sound; }; this.bind = function( types, func ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } types = types.split( ' ' ); var that = this, efunc = function( e ) { that, e ); }; for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { var type = types[ t ], idx = type; type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ]; events.push( { idx: idx, func: efunc } ); this.sound.addEventListener( type, efunc, true ); } return this; }; this.unbind = function( types ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } types = types.split( ' ' ); for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { var idx = types[ t ], type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ]; for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { var namespace = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' ); if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( namespace[ 1 ] && namespace[ 1 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) { this.sound.removeEventListener( type, events[ i ].func, true ); // remove event events.splice(i, 1); } } } return this; }; this.bindOnce = function( type, func ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } var that = this; eventsOnce[ pid++ ] = false; this.bind( pid + type, function() { if ( !eventsOnce[ pid ] ) { eventsOnce[ pid ] = true; that ); } that.unbind( pid + type ); }); }; this.trigger = function( types ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } types = types.split( ' ' ); for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { var idx = types[ t ]; for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { var eventType = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' ); if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( eventType[ 0 ] && eventType[ 0 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) { var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evt.initEvent( eventType[ 0 ], false, true ); this.sound.dispatchEvent( evt ); } } } return this; }; this.fadeTo = function( to, duration, callback ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } if ( duration instanceof Function ) { callback = duration; duration = buzz.defaults.duration; } else { duration = duration || buzz.defaults.duration; } var from = this.volume, delay = duration / Math.abs( from - to ), that = this;; function doFade() { setTimeout( function() { if ( from < to && that.volume < to ) { that.setVolume( that.volume += 1 ); doFade(); } else if ( from > to && that.volume > to ) { that.setVolume( that.volume -= 1 ); doFade(); } else if ( callback instanceof Function ) { callback.apply( that ); } }, delay ); } this.whenReady( function() { doFade(); }); return this; }; this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } return this.setVolume(0).fadeTo( 100, duration, callback ); }; this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } return this.fadeTo( 0, duration, callback ); }; this.fadeWith = function( sound, duration ) { if ( !supported ) { return this; } this.fadeOut( duration, function() { this.stop(); }); duration ); return this; }; this.whenReady = function( func ) { if ( !supported ) { return null; } var that = this; if ( this.sound.readyState === 0 ) { this.bind( 'canplay.buzzwhenready', function() { that ); }); } else { that ); } }; // privates function timerangeToArray( timeRange ) { var array = [], length = timeRange.length - 1; for( var i = 0; i <= length; i++ ) { array.push({ start: timeRange.start( length ), end: timeRange.end( length ) }); } return array; } function getExt( filename ) { return filename.split('.').pop(); } function addSource( sound, src ) { var source = document.createElement( 'source' ); source.src = src; if ( buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ] ) { source.type = buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ]; } sound.appendChild( source ); } // init if ( supported && src ) { for(var i in buzz.defaults ) { if(buzz.defaults.hasOwnProperty(i)) { options[ i ] = options[ i ] || buzz.defaults[ i ]; } } this.sound = document.createElement( 'audio' ); if ( src instanceof Array ) { for( var j in src ) { if(src.hasOwnProperty(j)) { addSource( this.sound, src[ j ] ); } } } else if ( options.formats.length ) { for( var k in options.formats ) { if(options.formats.hasOwnProperty(k)) { addSource( this.sound, src + '.' + options.formats[ k ] ); } } } else { addSource( this.sound, src ); } if ( options.loop ) { this.loop(); } if ( options.autoplay ) { this.sound.autoplay = 'autoplay'; } if ( options.preload === true ) { this.sound.preload = 'auto'; } else if ( options.preload === false ) { this.sound.preload = 'none'; } else { this.sound.preload = options.preload; } this.setVolume( options.volume ); buzz.sounds.push( this ); } }, group: function( sounds ) { sounds = argsToArray( sounds, arguments ); // publics this.getSounds = function() { return sounds; }; this.add = function( soundArray ) { soundArray = argsToArray( soundArray, arguments ); for( var a = 0; a < soundArray.length; a++ ) { sounds.push( soundArray[ a ] ); } }; this.remove = function( soundArray ) { soundArray = argsToArray( soundArray, arguments ); for( var a = 0; a < soundArray.length; a++ ) { for( var i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ) { if ( sounds[ i ] == soundArray[ a ] ) { delete sounds[ i ]; break; } } } }; this.load = function() { fn( 'load' ); return this; }; = function() { fn( 'play' ); return this; }; this.togglePlay = function( ) { fn( 'togglePlay' ); return this; }; this.pause = function( time ) { fn( 'pause', time ); return this; }; this.stop = function() { fn( 'stop' ); return this; }; this.mute = function() { fn( 'mute' ); return this; }; this.unmute = function() { fn( 'unmute' ); return this; }; this.toggleMute = function() { fn( 'toggleMute' ); return this; }; this.setVolume = function( volume ) { fn( 'setVolume', volume ); return this; }; this.increaseVolume = function( value ) { fn( 'increaseVolume', value ); return this; }; this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) { fn( 'decreaseVolume', value ); return this; }; this.loop = function() { fn( 'loop' ); return this; }; this.unloop = function() { fn( 'unloop' ); return this; }; this.setTime = function( time ) { fn( 'setTime', time ); return this; }; this.setduration = function( duration ) { fn( 'setduration', duration ); return this; }; this.set = function( key, value ) { fn( 'set', key, value ); return this; }; this.bind = function( type, func ) { fn( 'bind', type, func ); return this; }; this.unbind = function( type ) { fn( 'unbind', type ); return this; }; this.bindOnce = function( type, func ) { fn( 'bindOnce', type, func ); return this; }; this.trigger = function( type ) { fn( 'trigger', type ); return this; }; this.fade = function( from, to, duration, callback ) { fn( 'fade', from, to, duration, callback ); return this; }; this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) { fn( 'fadeIn', duration, callback ); return this; }; this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) { fn( 'fadeOut', duration, callback ); return this; }; // privates function fn() { var args = argsToArray( null, arguments ), func = args.shift(); for( var i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ) { sounds[ i ][ func ].apply( sounds[ i ], args ); } } function argsToArray( array, args ) { return ( array instanceof Array ) ? array : args ); } }, all: function() { return new buzz.sounds ); }, isSupported: function() { return !!buzz.el.canPlayType; }, isOGGSupported: function() { return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"' ); }, isWAVSupported: function() { return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/wav; codecs="1"' ); }, isMP3Supported: function() { return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/mpeg;' ); }, isAACSupported: function() { return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && ( buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/x-m4a;' ) || buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/aac;' ) ); }, toTimer: function( time, withHours ) { var h, m, s; h = Math.floor( time / 3600 ); h = isNaN( h ) ? '--' : ( h >= 10 ) ? h : '0' + h; m = withHours ? Math.floor( time / 60 % 60 ) : Math.floor( time / 60 ); m = isNaN( m ) ? '--' : ( m >= 10 ) ? m : '0' + m; s = Math.floor( time % 60 ); s = isNaN( s ) ? '--' : ( s >= 10 ) ? s : '0' + s; return withHours ? h + ':' + m + ':' + s : m + ':' + s; }, fromTimer: function( time ) { var splits = time.toString().split( ':' ); if ( splits && splits.length == 3 ) { time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 3600 ) + ( parseInt(splits[ 1 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 2 ], 10 ); } if ( splits && splits.length == 2 ) { time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 1 ], 10 ); } return time; }, toPercent: function( value, total, decimal ) { var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 ); return Math.round( ( ( value * 100 ) / total ) * r ) / r; }, fromPercent: function( percent, total, decimal ) { var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 ); return Math.round( ( ( total / 100 ) * percent ) * r ) / r; } }; exports = buzz;; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslibraphael.js */ define("scripts/lib/raphael.js", function(exports){ /* * Raphael 1.5.2 - JavaScript Vector Library * * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Baranovskiy ( 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d=a*y.cos(c)-b*y.sin(c),e=a*y.sin(c)+b*y.cos(c);return{x:d,y:e}});if(j){G=j[0];H=j[1];E=j[2];F=j[3]}else{o=p(a,b,-l);a=o.x;b=o.y;o=p(h,i,-l);h=o.x;i=o.y;var q=y.cos(D/180*e),r=y.sin(D/180*e),t=(a-h)/2,u=(b-i)/2,x=t*t/(c*c)+u*u/(d*d);if(x>1){x=y.sqrt(x);c=x*c;d=x*d}var z=c*c,A=d*d,C=(f==g?-1:1)*y.sqrt(B((z*A-z*u*u-A*t*t)/(z*u*u+A*t*t))),E=C*c*u/d+(a+h)/2,F=C*-d*t/c+(b+i)/2,G=y.asin(((b-F)/d).toFixed(9)),H=y.asin(((i-F)/d).toFixed(9));G=a<E?D-G:G;H=h<E?D-H:H;G<0&&(G=D*2+G);H<0&&(H=D*2+H);g&&G>H&&(G=G-D*2);!g&&H>G&&(H=H-D*2)}var I=H-G;if(B(I)>k){var J=H,K=h,L=i;H=G+k*(g&&H>G?1:-1);h=E+c*y.cos(H);i=F+d*y.sin(H);m=bt(h,i,c,d,e,0,g,K,L,[H,J,E,F])}I=H-G;var M=y.cos(G),N=y.sin(G),O=y.cos(H),P=y.sin(H),Q=y.tan(I/4),R=4/3*c*Q,S=4/3*d*Q,T=[a,b],U=[a+R*N,b-S*M],V=[h+R*P,i-S*O],W=[h,i];U[0]=2*T[0]-U[0];U[1]=2*T[1]-U[1];{if(j)return[U,V,W][n](m);m=[U,V,W][n](m)[v]()[s](",");var X=[];for(var Y=0,Z=m[w];Y<Z;Y++)X[Y]=Y%2?p(m[Y-1],m[Y],l).y:p(m[Y],m[Y+1],l).x;return 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c,d;if(!a)return["C",b.x,b.y,b.x,b.y,b.x,b.y];!(a[0]in{T:1,Q:1})&&(b.qx=b.qy=null);switch(a[0]){case"M":b.X=a[1];b.Y=a[2];break;case"A":a=["C"][n](bt[m](0,[b.x,b.y][n](a.slice(1))));break;case"S":c=b.x+(b.x-(b.bx||b.x));d=b.y+(b.y-(||b.y));a=["C",c,d][n](a.slice(1));break;case"T":b.qx=b.x+(b.x-(b.qx||b.x));b.qy=b.y+(b.y-(b.qy||b.y));a=["C"][n](bs(b.x,b.y,b.qx,b.qy,a[1],a[2]));break;case"Q":b.qx=a[1];b.qy=a[2];a=["C"][n](bs(b.x,b.y,a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]));break;case"L":a=["C"][n](br(b.x,b.y,a[1],a[2]));break;case"H":a=["C"][n](br(b.x,b.y,a[1],b.y));break;case"V":a=["C"][n](br(b.x,b.y,b.x,a[1]));break;case"Z":a=["C"][n](br(b.x,b.y,b.X,b.Y));break}return a},h=function(a,b){if(a[b][w]>7){a[b].shift();var e=a[b];while(e[w])a.splice(b++,0,["C"][n](e.splice(0,6)));a.splice(b,1);k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0)}},i=function(a,b,e,f,g){if(a&&b&&a[g][0]=="M"&&b[g][0]!="M"){b.splice(g,0,["M",f.x,f.y]);e.bx=0;;e.x=a[g][1];e.y=a[g][2];k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0)}};for(var j=0,k=z(c[w],d&&d[w]||0);j<k;j++){c[j]=g(c[j],e);h(c,j);d&&(d[j]=g(d[j],f));d&&h(d,j);i(c,d,e,f,j);i(d,c,f,e,j);var l=c[j],o=d&&d[j],p=l[w],q=d&&o[w];e.x=l[p-2];e.y=l[p-1];e.bx=S(l[p-4])||e.x;[p-3])||e.y;f.bx=d&&(S(o[q-4])||f.x);[q-3])||f.y);f.x=d&&o[q-2];f.y=d&&o[q-1]}return d?[c,d]:c},null,bo),bx=bm(function(b){var c=[];for(var d=0,e=b[w];d<e;d++){var f={},g=b[d].match(/^([^:]*):?([d.]*)/);f.color=a.getRGB(g[1]);if(f.color.error)return null;f.color=f.color.hex;g[2]&&(f.offset=g[2]+"%");c[L](f)}for(d=1,e=c[w]-1;d<e;d++){if(!c[d].offset){var h=S(c[d-1].offset||0),i=0;for(var j=d+1;j<e;j++){if(c[j].offset){i=c[j].offset;break}}if(!i){i=100;j=e}i=S(i);var k=(i-h)/(j-d+1);for(;d<j;d++){h+=k;c[d].offset=h+"%"}}}return c}),by=function(b,c,d,e){var f;if(,F)||,"object")){,F)?g.getElementById(b):b;if(f.tagName)return c==null?{container:f,||f.offsetWidth,||f.offsetHeight}:{container:f,width:c,height:d}}else return{container:1,x:b,y:c,width:d,height:e}},bz=function(a,b){var c=this;for(var d in 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b=1.70158;return a*a*((b+1)*a-b)},backOut:function(a){a=a-1;var b=1.70158;return a*a*((b+1)*a+b)+1},elastic:function(a){if(a==0||a==1)return a;var b=0.3,c=b/4;return C(2,-10*a)*y.sin((a-c)*(2*D)/b)+1},bounce:function(a){var b=7.5625,c=2.75,d;if(a<1/c)d=b*a*a;else if(a<2/c){a-=1.5/c;d=b*a*a+0.75}else if(a<2.5/c){a-=2.25/c;d=b*a*a+0.9375}else{a-=2.625/c;d=b*a*a+0.984375}return d}};var cv=[],cw=function(){var b=+(new Date);for(var c=0;c<cv[w];c++){var d=cv[c];if(d.stop||d.el.removed)continue;var e=b-d.start,,h=d.easing,i=d.from,j=d.diff,,l=d.t,m=d.el,n={},o;if(e<g){var r=h(e/g);for(var s in i)if(i[f](s)){switch(X[s]){case"along":o=r*g*j[s];k.back&&(o=k.len-o);var t=ct(k[s],o);m.translate(||0,||0);j.x=t.x;j.y=t.y;m.translate(,;k.rot&&m.rotate(j.r+t.alpha,t.x,t.y);break;case E:o=+i[s]+r*g*j[s];break;case"colour":o="rgb("+[cy(Q(i[s].r+r*g*j[s].r)),cy(Q(i[s].g+r*g*j[s].g)),cy(Q(i[s].b+r*g*j[s].b))][v](",")+")";break;case"path":o=[];for(var u=0,x=i[s][w];u<x;u++){o[u]=[i[s][u][0]];for(var 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z(A(a,255),0)},cz=function(a,b){if(a==null)return{x:this._.tx,y:this._.ty,toString:co};this._.tx+=+a;this._.ty+=+b;switch(this.type){case"circle":case"ellipse":this.attr({,});break;case"rect":case"image":case"text":this.attr({x:+a+this.attrs.x,y:+b+this.attrs.y});break;case"path":var c=bp(this.attrs.path);c[0][1]+=+a;c[0][2]+=+b;this.attr({path:c});break}return this};bO.animateWith=function(a,b,c,d,e){for(var f=0,g=cv.length;f<g;f++)cv[f][f].start);return this.animate(b,c,d,e)};bO.animateAlong=cA();bO.animateAlongBack=cA(1);function cA(b){return function(c,d,e,f){var g={back:b};,"function")?f=e:g.rot=e;c&&c.constructor==bN&&(c=c.attrs.path);c&&(g.along=c);return this.animate(g,d,f)}}function cB(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=3*b,h=3*(d-b)-g,i=1-g-h,j=3*c,k=3*(e-c)-j,l=1-j-k;function m(a){return((i*a+h)*a+g)*a}function n(a,b){var c=o(a,b);return((l*c+k)*c+j)*c}function o(a,b){var c,d,e,f,j,k;for(e=a,k=0;k<8;k++){f=m(e)-a;if(B(f)<b)return e;j=(3*i*e+2*h)*e+g;if(B(j)<0.000001)break;e=e-f/j}c=0;d=1;e=a;if(e<c)return c;if(e>d)return d;while(c<d){f=m(e);if(B(f-a)<b)return e;a>f?c=e:d=e;e=(d-c)/2+c}return e}return n(a,1/(200*f))}bO.onAnimation=function(a){this._run=a||0;return this};bO.animate=function(c,d,e,g){var h=this;h.timeouts=h.timeouts||[];if(,"function")||!e)g=e||null;if(h.removed){g&&;return h}var i={},j={},k=false,l={};for(var m in c)if(c[f](m)){if(X[f](m)||h.paper.customAttributes[f](m)){k=true;i[m]=h.attr(m);i[m]==null&&(i[m]=W[m]);j[m]=c[m];switch(X[m]){case"along":var n=cs(c[m]),o=ct(c[m],n*!(!c.back)),p=h.getBBox();l[m]=n/d;l.tx=p.x;l.ty=p.y;;;j.rot=c.rot;j.back=c.back;j.len=n;c.rot&&(l.r=S(h.rotate())||0);break;case E:l[m]=(j[m]-i[m])/d;break;case"colour":i[m]=a.getRGB(i[m]);var q=a.getRGB(j[m]);l[m]={r:(q.r-i[m].r)/d,g:(q.g-i[m].g)/d,b:(q.b-i[m].b)/d};break;case"path":var t=bw(i[m],j[m]);i[m]=t[0];var u=t[1];l[m]=[];for(var v=0,x=i[m][w];v<x;v++){l[m][v]=[0];for(var y=1,z=i[m][v][w];y<z;y++)l[m][v][y]=(u[v][y]-i[m][v][y])/d}break;case"csv":var A=r(c[m])[s](b),B=r(i[m])[s](b);switch(m){case"translation":i[m]=[0,0];l[m]=[A[0]/d,A[1]/d];break;case"rotation":i[m]=B[1]==A[1]&&B[2]==A[2]?B:[0,A[1],A[2]];l[m]=[(A[0]-i[m][0])/d,0,0];break;case"scale":c[m]=A;i[m]=r(i[m])[s](b);l[m]=[(A[0]-i[m][0])/d,(A[1]-i[m][1])/d,0,0];break;case"clip-rect":i[m]=r(i[m])[s](b);l[m]=[];v=4;while(v--)l[m][v]=(A[v]-i[m][v])/d;break}j[m]=A;break;default:A=[].concat(c[m]);B=[].concat(i[m]);l[m]=[];v=h.paper.customAttributes[m][w];while(v--)l[m][v]=((A[v]||0)-(B[v]||0))/d;break}}}if(k){var G=a.easing_formulas[e];if(!G){G=r(e).match(P);if(G&&G[w]==5){var H=G;G=function(a){return cB(a,+H[1],+H[2],+H[3],+H[4],d)}}else G=function(a){return a}}cv.push({start:c.start||+(new Date),ms:d,easing:G,from:i,diff:l,to:j,el:h,t:{x:0,y:0}});,"function")&&(h._ac=setTimeout(function(){},d));cv[w]==1&&setTimeout(cw)}else{var C=[],D;for(var F in c)if(c[f](F)&&Z.test(F)){m={value:c[F]};F=="from"&&(F=0);F=="to"&&(F=100);m.key=T(F,10);C.push(m)}C.sort(be);C[0].key&&C.unshift({key:0,value:h.attrs});for(v=0,x=C[w];v<x;v++)cx(C[v].value,h,d/100*C[v].key,d/100*(C[v-1]&&C[v-1].key||0),C[v-1]&&C[v-1].value.callback);D=C[C[w]-1].value.callback;D&&h.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function(){},d))}return this};bO.stop=function(){for(var a=0;a<cv.length;a++)cv[a],1);for(a=0,ii=this.timeouts&&this.timeouts.length;a<ii;a++)clearTimeout(this.timeouts[a]);this.timeouts=[];clearTimeout(this._ac);delete this._ac;return this};bO.translate=function(a,b){return this.attr({translation:a+" "+b})};bO[H]=function(){return"Raphaël’s object"};;var cC=function(a){this.items=[];this[w]=0;this.type="set";if(a)for(var b=0,c=a[w];b<c;b++){if(a[b]&&(a[b].constructor==bN||a[b].constructor==cC)){this[this.items[w]]=this.items[this.items[w]]=a[b];this[w]++}}};cC[e][L]=function(){var a,b;for(var c=0,d=arguments[w];c<d;c++){a=arguments[c];if(a&&(a.constructor==bN||a.constructor==cC)){b=this.items[w];this[b]=this.items[b]=a;this[w]++}}return this};cC[e].pop=function(){delete this[this[w]--];return this.items.pop()};for(var cD in bO)bO[f](cD)&&(cC[e][cD]=(function(a){return function(){for(var b=0,c=this.items[w];b<c;b++)this.items[b][a][m](this.items[b],arguments);return this}})(cD));cC[e].attr=function(b,c){if(b&&,G)&&[0],"object"))for(var d=0,e=b[w];d<e;d++)this.items[d].attr(b[d]);else for(var f=0,g=this.items[w];f<g;f++)this.items[f].attr(b,c);return this};cC[e].animate=function(b,c,d,e){(,"function")||!d)&&(e=d||null);var f=this.items[w],g=f,h,i=this,j;e&&(j=function(){!(--f)&&});,F)?d:j;h=this.items[--g].animate(b,c,d,j);while(g--)this.items[g]&&!this.items[g].removed&&this.items[g].animateWith(h,b,c,d,j);return this};cC[e].insertAfter=function(a){var b=this.items[w];while(b--)this.items[b].insertAfter(a);return this};cC[e].getBBox=function(){var a=[],b=[],c=[],d=[];for(var e=this.items[w];e--;){var f=this.items[e].getBBox();a[L](f.x);b[L](f.y);c[L](f.x+f.width);d[L](f.y+f.height)}a=A[m](0,a);b=A[m](0,b);return{x:a,y:b,width:z[m](0,c)-a,height:z[m](0,d)-b}};cC[e].clone=function(a){a=new cC;for(var b=0,c=this.items[w];b<c;b++)a[L](this.items[b].clone());return a};a.registerFont=function(a){if(!a.face)return a;this.fonts=this.fonts||{};var b={w:a.w,face:{},glyphs:{}},c=a.face["font-family"];for(var d in a.face)a.face[f](d)&&(b.face[d]=a.face[d]);this.fonts[c]?this.fonts[c][L](b):this.fonts[c]=[b];if(!a.svg){b.face["units-per-em"]=T(a.face["units-per-em"],10);for(var e in a.glyphs)if(a.glyphs[f](e)){var g=a.glyphs[e];b.glyphs[e]={w:g.w,k:{},d:g.d&&"M"+g.d[Y](/[mlcxtrv]/g,function(a){return({l:"L",c:"C",x:"z",t:"m",r:"l",v:"c"})[a]||"M"})+"z"};if(g.k)for(var h in g.k)g[f](h)&&(b.glyphs[e].k[h]=g.k[h])}}return a};k.getFont=function(b,c,d,e){e=e||"normal";d=d||"normal";c=+c||({normal:400,bold:700,lighter:300,bolder:800})[c]||400;if(!a.fonts)return;var g=a.fonts[b];if(!g){var h=new RegExp("(^|\s)"+b[Y](/[^wds+!~.:_-]/g,p)+"(\s|$)","i");for(var i in a.fonts)if(a.fonts[f](i)){if(h.test(i)){g=a.fonts[i];break}}}var j;if(g)for(var k=0,l=g[w];k<l;k++){j=g[k];if(j.face["font-weight"]==c&&(j.face["font-style"]==d||!j.face["font-style"])&&j.face["font-stretch"]==e)break}return j};k.print=function(c,d,e,f,g,h,i){h=h||"middle";i=z(A(i||0,1),-1);var j=this.set(),k=r(e)[s](p),l=0,m=p,n;,e)&&(f=this.getFont(f));if(f){n=(g||16)/f.face["units-per-em"];var o=f.face.bbox.split(b),q=+o[0],t=+o[1]+(h=="baseline"?o[3]-o[1]+ +f.face.descent:(o[3]-o[1])/2);for(var u=0,v=k[w];u<v;u++){var x=u&&f.glyphs[k[u-1]]||{},y=f.glyphs[k[u]];l+=u?(x.w||f.w)+(x.k&&x.k[k[u]]||0)+f.w*i:0;y&&y.d&&j[L](this.path(y.d).attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none",translation:[l,0]}))}j.scale(n,n,q,t).translate(c-q,d-t)}return j};a.format=function(b,c){var,G)?[0][n](c):arguments;b&&,F)&&e[w]-1&&(b=b[Y](d,function(a,b){return e[++b]==null?p:e[b]}));return b||p};{i.was? Raphael;return a};a.el=bO;[e];i.was?h.Raphael=a:Raphael=a})(); exports = Raphael;; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslibsound.js */ define("scripts/lib/sound.js", function(exports){ /** * var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound/main"); * * var snd = sound.create("sounds/myfile"); *; */ var buzz = require("scripts/lib/buzz"); function ClassBuzz( src ){ this.sound = new buzz.sound( src, { formats: [ "ogg", "mp3" ], preload: true, autoload: true, loop: false }); } = function(){ this.sound.setPercent( 0 ); this.sound.setVolume( 100 );; }; ClassBuzz.prototype.stop = function(){ this.sound.fadeOut( 1e3, function(){ this.pause(); } ); }; exports.create = function( src ){ return new ClassBuzz( src ); }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslibtween.js */ define("scripts/lib/tween.js", function(exports){ exports.exponential = function(){}; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ return (index == framesNum) ? offset + target : target * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * index / framesNum) + 1) + offset; }; // = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ return (index == 0) ? offset : target * Math.pow(2, 10 * (index / framesNum - 1)) + offset; } exports.bounce = function(){}; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ if((index /= framesNum) < (1 / 2.75)) return target * (7.5625 * index * index) + offset; else if(index < (2 / 2.75)) return target * (7.5625 * (index -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * index + .75) + offset; else if(index < (2.5 / 2.75)) return target * (7.5625 * (index -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * index + .9375) + offset; else return target * (7.5625 * (index -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * index + .984375) + offset; }; exports.quadratic = function(){}; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ return target * (index /= framesNum) * index + offset; }; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ return - target * (index /= framesNum) * (index - 2) + offset; } exports.quadratic.cio = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ if((index /= framesNum / 2) < 1) return target / 2 * index * index + offset; else return - target / 2 * ((-- index) * (index - 2) - 1) + offset; }; exports.circular = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ if((index /= framesNum / 2) < 1) return - target / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - index * index) - 1) + offset; else return target / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (index -= 2) * index) + 1) + offset; } exports.linear = function(index, offset, target, framesNum){ return target * index / framesNum + offset; }; exports.back = function(){}; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum, s){ s = 1.70158; return target * (index /= framesNum) * index * ((s + 1) * index - s) + offset; }; = function(index, offset, target, framesNum, s){ s = 1.70158; return target * ((index = index / framesNum - 1) * index * ((s + 1) * index + s) + 1) + offset; };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptslibucren.js */ define("scripts/lib/ucren.js", function(exports){ /** * ucren-lite * filename: boot.js * author: dron * version: * date: 2009-03-15 * contact: */ var Ucren; var blankArray = []; var slice = blankArray.slice; var join = blankArray.join; // String.prototype.trim if(!String.prototype.trim) String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/, ""); }; // String.prototype.format String.prototype.format = function(conf){ var rtn = this, blank = {}; Ucren.each(conf, function(item, key){ item = item.toString().replace(/$/g, "$$$$"); rtn = rtn.replace(RegExp("@{" + key + "}", "g"), item); }); return rtn.toString(); }; // String.prototype.htmlEncode String.prototype.htmlEncode = function(){ var div = document.createElement("div"); return function(){ var text; div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this)); text = div.innerHTML; div.innerHTML = ""; return text; }; }(); // String.prototype.byteLength String.prototype.byteLength = function(){ return this.replace(/[^x00-xff]/g, " ").length; }; // String.prototype.subByte String.prototype.subByte = function(len, tail){ var s = this; if(s.byteLength() <= len) return s; tail = tail || ""; len -= tail.byteLength(); return s = s.slice(0, len).replace(/([^x00-xff])/g, "$1 ") .slice(0, len) .replace(/[^x00-xff]$/, "") .replace(/([^x00-xff]) /g, "$1") + tail; } // Function.prototype.defer Function.prototype.defer = function(scope, timeout){ var me = this; var fn = function(){ me.apply(scope, arguments); }; return setTimeout(fn, timeout); }; // Function.prototype.bind if(!Function.prototype.bind) Function.prototype.bind = function(scope){ var me = this; return function(){ return me.apply(scope, arguments); } }; // Function.prototype.saturate Function.prototype.saturate = function(scope/*, args */){ var fn = this, afters = arguments, 1 ); return function(){ return fn.apply( scope, arguments, 0 ).concat( afters ) ); } }; // Array.prototype.indexOf // if(!Array.prototype.indexOf) Array.prototype.indexOf = function( item, i ){ var length = this.length; if( !i ) i = 0; if( i < 0 ) i = length + i; for(; i < length; i ++) if( this[i] === item ) return i; return -1; }; // Array.prototype.every // if(!Array.prototype.every) Array.prototype.every = function( fn, context ) { for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i ++) if ( !, this[i], i, this) ) return false; return true; }; // Array.prototype.filter // if(!Array.prototype.filter) Array.prototype.filter = function( fn, context ) { var result = [], val; for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i ++) if (val = this[i], context, val, i, this )) result.push(val); return result; }; // Array.prototype.forEach // if(!Array.prototype.forEach) Array.prototype.forEach = function( fn, context ) { for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i ++), this[i], i, this); }; // // if(! = function( fn, context ) { var result = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i ++) result[i] =, this[i], i, this); return result; }; // Array.prototype.some // if(!Array.prototype.some) Array.prototype.some = function( fn, context ) { for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i ++) if ( context, this[i], i, this ) ) return true; return false; }; Array.prototype.invoke = function( method /*, args */ ){ var args = arguments, 1 ); this.forEach(function( item ){ if(item instanceof Array) item[0][method].apply( item[0], item.slice(1) ); else item[method].apply( item, args ); }); return this; }; Array.prototype.random = function(){ var arr = this.slice( 0 ), ret = [], i = arr.length; while( i -- ) ret.push( arr.splice( Ucren.randomNumber( i + 1 ), 1 )[0] ); return ret; }; Ucren = { // Ucren.isIe isIe: /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent), // Ucren.isIe6 isIe6: /msie 6/i.test(navigator.userAgent), // Ucren.isFirefox isFirefox: /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent), // Ucren.isSafari isSafari: /version/[d.]+s+safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent), // Ucren.isOpera isOpera: /opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent), // Ucren.isChrome isChrome: /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent), //todo isChrome = true, isSafari = true // Ucren.isStrict isStrict: document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat", // Ucren.tempDom tempDom: document.createElement("div"), // Ucren.apply apply: function(form, to, except){ if(!to)to = {}; if(except){ Ucren.each(form, function(item, key){ if(key in except) return ; to[key] = item; }); }else{ Ucren.each(form, function(item, key){ to[key] = item; }); } return to; }, // Ucren.appendStyle appendStyle: function(text){ var style; if(arguments.length > 1) text =, ""); if(document.createStyleSheet){ style = document.createStyleSheet(); style.cssText = text; }else{ style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; //style.innerHTML = text; fix Chrome bug style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); } }, // for copy :) // // var addEvent = function(target, name, fn){ // var call = function(){ // fn.apply(target, arguments); // }; // if(window.attachEvent) // target.attachEvent("on" + name, call); // else if(window.addEventListener) // target.addEventListener(name, call, false); // else // target["on" + name] = call; // return call; // } // Ucren.addEvent addEvent: function(target, name, fn){ var call = function(){ fn.apply(target, arguments); }; if(target.dom){ target = target.dom; } if(window.attachEvent){ target.attachEvent("on" + name, call); }else if(window.addEventListener){ target.addEventListener(name, call, false); }else{ target["on" + name] = call; } return call; }, // Ucren.delEvent delEvent: function(target, name, fn){ if(window.detachEvent){ target.detachEvent("on" + name, fn); }else if(window.removeEventListener){ target.removeEventListener(name, fn, false); }else if(target["on" + name] == fn){ target["on" + name] = null; } }, // Ucren.Class Class: function(initialize, methods, befores, afters){ var fn, prototype, blank; initialize = initialize || function(){}; methods = methods || {}; blank = {}; fn = function(){ this.instanceId =; initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; prototype = fn.prototype;; Ucren.each(methods, function(item, key){ prototype[key] = function(method, name){ if(typeof(method) == "function"){ return function(){ var args, rtn; args =, 0); if(befores && befores.apply(this, [name].concat(args)) === false){ return ; } this.fireEvent("before" + name, args); rtn = method.apply(this, args); if(afters) afters.apply(this, [name].concat(args)); this.fireEvent(name, args); return rtn; }; }else{ return method; } }(item, key); }); prototype.getOriginMethod = function(name){ return methods[name]; }; return fn; }, //private registerClassEvent: function(){ this.on = function(name, fn){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch(instanceId + name, fn.bind(this)); }; this.onbefore = function(name, fn){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch(instanceId + "before" + name, fn.bind(this)); }; this.un = function(name, fn){ //todo }; this.fireEvent = function(name, args){ var instanceId = this.instanceId; Ucren.dispatch(instanceId + name, args); }; }, // Ucren.createFuze createFuze: function(){ var queue, fn, infire; queue = []; fn = function(process){ if(infire){ process(); }else{ queue.push(process); } }; = function(){ while(queue.length){ queue.shift()(); } infire = true; }; fn.extinguish = function(){ infire = false; }; fn.wettish = function(){ if(queue.length){ queue.shift()(); } }; return fn; }, // Ucren.createIf // createIf: function(expressionFunction){ // return function(callback){ // var expression = expressionFunction(); // var returnValue = { // Else: function(callback){ // callback = callback || nul; // expression || callback(); // } // }; // callback = callback || nul; // expression && callback(); // return returnValue; // }; // }, // Ucren.dispatch dispatch: function(){ var map = {}, send, incept; send = function( processId, args, scope ){ var processItems; if( processItems = map[processId] ) Ucren.each(processItems, function(item){ item.apply( scope, args ); }); }; incept = function( processId, fn ){ if( !map[processId] ) map[processId] = []; map[processId].push( fn ); }; return function(arg1, arg2, arg3){ if( typeof(arg2) === "undefined" ) arg2 = []; if( arg2 instanceof Array ) send.apply(this, arguments); else if( typeof(arg2) === "function" ) incept.apply(this, arguments); } }(), // Ucren.each (not recommended) each: function(unknown, fn){ if(unknown instanceof Array || (typeof unknown == "object" && typeof unknown[0] != "undefined" && unknown.length)){ if(typeof unknown == "object" && Ucren.isSafari) unknown =; // for(var i = 0, l = unknown.length; i < l; i ++){ // if(fn(unknown[i], i) === false){ // break; // } // } unknown.forEach(fn); }else if(typeof(unknown) == "object"){ var blank = {}; for(var i in unknown){ if(blank[i]){ continue; } if(fn(unknown[i], i) === false){ break; } } }else if(typeof(unknown) == "number"){ for(var i = 0; i < unknown; i ++){ if(fn(i, i) === false){ break; } } }else if(typeof(unknown) == "string"){ for(var i = 0, l = unknown.length; i < l; i ++){ if(fn(unknown.charAt(i), i) === false){ break; } } } }, // Ucren.Element Element: function(el, returnDom){ var rtn, handleId; if(el && el.isUcrenElement){ return returnDom ? el.dom : el; } el = typeof(el) == "string" ? document.getElementById(el) : el; if(!el) return null; if(returnDom) return el; handleId = el.getAttribute("handleId"); if(typeof handleId == "string"){ return Ucren.handle(handleId - 0); }else{ rtn = new Ucren.BasicElement(el); handleId = Ucren.handle(rtn); el.setAttribute("handleId", handleId + ""); return rtn; } }, // Ucren.Event Event: function(e){ e = e || window.event; if(!e){ var c = arguments.callee.caller; while(c){ e = c.arguments[0]; if(e && typeof(e.altKey) == "boolean"){ // duck typing break; } c = c.caller; e = null; } } return e; }, // Ucren.fixNumber fixNumber: function(unknown, defaultValue){ return typeof(unknown) == "number" ? unknown : defaultValue; }, // Ucren.fixString fixString: function(unknown, defaultValue){ return typeof(unknown) == "string" ? unknown : defaultValue; }, // Ucren.fixConfig fixConfig: function(conf){ var defaultConf; defaultConf = {}; if(typeof conf == "undefined"){ return defaultConf; }else if(typeof conf == "function"){ return new conf; }else{ return conf; } }, // Ucren.handle handle: function(unknown){ var fn, type, number; fn = arguments.callee; if(!fn.cache){ fn.cache = {}; } if(typeof(fn.number) == "undefined"){ fn.number = 0; } type = typeof(unknown); if(type == "number"){ return fn.cache[unknown.toString()]; }else if(type == "object" || type == "function"){ number = fn.number ++; fn.cache[number.toString()] = unknown; return number; } }, // id: function(){ var id = arguments.callee; id.number = ++ id.number || 0; return "_" + id.number; }, // Ucren.loadImage loadImage: function(urls, onLoadComplete){ var length = urls.length; var loaded = 0; var check = function(){ if(loaded == length) onLoadComplete && onLoadComplete(); }; Ucren.each(urls, function(url){ var img = document.createElement("img"); img.onload = img.onerror = function(){ this.onload = this.onerror = null; loaded ++; check(); }; Ucren.tempDom.appendChild(img); img.src = url; }); }, // Ucren.loadScript loadScript: function(src, callback){ Ucren.request(src, function(text){ eval(text); callback && callback(text); }); }, // Ucren.makeElement makeElement: function(tagName, attributes){ var el = document.createElement(tagName); var setStyle = function(unknown){ if(typeof unknown == "string") = unknown; else Ucren.apply(unknown,; }; for (var prop in attributes) { if (prop === "class") el.className = attributes[prop]; else if (prop === "for") el.htmlFor = attributes[prop]; else if(prop === "style") setStyle(attributes[prop]); else el.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]); } return el; }, // Ucren.nul nul: function(){ return false; }, // Ucren.queryString // queryString: function(name, sourceString){ // var source, pattern, result; // source = sourceString || location.href; // pattern = new RegExp("(\?|&)" + name + "=([^&#]*)(#|&|$)", "i"); // result = source.match(pattern); // return result ? result[2] : ""; // }, // Ucren.randomNumber randomNumber: function(num){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * num); }, // Ucren.randomWord randomWord: function(){ var cw = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; return function(length, sourceString){ var words, re = []; words = sourceString || cw; Ucren.each(length, function(index){ re[index] = words.charAt(this.randomNumber(words.length)); }.bind(this)); return re.join(""); } }(), // Ucren.request request: function(url, callback){ request = Ucren.request; var xhr = request.xhr; if(!request.xhr){ if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xhr = request.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xhr = request.xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } }"GET", url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){ callback(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.send(null); } // // Ucren.decodeColor // decodeColor: function(){ // var r = /^#?(w{2})(w{2})(w{2})$/; // var x = function(x){ // return parseInt(x, 16); // }; // return function(color){ // r.test(color); // return { // red: x(RegExp.$1), // green: x(RegExp.$2), // blue: x(RegExp.$3) // }; // } // }(), // // Ucren.encodeColor // encodeColor: function(){ // var x = function(x){ // return x.toString(16).split(".")[0]; // }; // x = x.improve(function(origin, x){ // x = origin(x); // return x.length == 1 ? "0" + x : x; // }); // return function(data){ // return ["#", x(, x(, x(].join(""); // } // }() }; // Ucren.BasicDrag Ucren.BasicDrag = Ucren.Class( /* constructor */ function(conf){ conf = Ucren.fixConfig(conf); this.type = Ucren.fixString(conf.type, "normal"); var isTouch = this.isTouch = "ontouchstart" in window; this.TOUCH_START = isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", this.TOUCH_MOVE = isTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", this.TOUCH_END = isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup"; }, /* methods */ { bind: function(el, handle){ el = Ucren.Element(el); handle = Ucren.Element(handle) || el; var evt = {}; evt[this.TOUCH_START] = function(e){ e = Ucren.Event(e); this.startDrag(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); return e.returnValue = false; }.bind(this); handle.addEvents(evt); = el; }, //private getCoors: function(e){ var coors = []; if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length) { // iPhone var thisTouch = e.targetTouches[0]; coors[0] = thisTouch.clientX; coors[1] = thisTouch.clientY; }else{ // all others coors[0] = e.clientX; coors[1] = e.clientY; } return coors; }, //private startDrag: function(){ var target, draging, e; target =; draging = target.draging = {}; this.isDraging = true; draging.x = parseInt("left"), 10) || 0; draging.y = parseInt("top"), 10) || 0; e = Ucren.Event(); var coors = this.getCoors(e); draging.mouseX = coors[0]; draging.mouseY = coors[1]; this.registerDocumentEvent(); }, //private endDrag: function(){ this.isDraging = false; this.unRegisterDocumentEvent(); }, //private registerDocumentEvent: function(){ var target, draging; target =; draging = target.draging; draging.documentSelectStart = Ucren.addEvent(document, "selectstart", function(e){ e = e || event; e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble = true; return e.returnValue = false; }); draging.documentMouseMove = Ucren.addEvent(document, this.TOUCH_MOVE, function(e){ var ie, nie; e = e || event; ie = Ucren.isIe && e.button != 1; nie = !Ucren.isIe && e.button != 0; if((ie || nie) && !this.isTouch) this.endDrag(); var coors = this.getCoors(e); draging.newMouseX = coors[0]; draging.newMouseY = coors[1]; e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); return e.returnValue = false; }.bind(this)); draging.documentMouseUp = Ucren.addEvent(document, this.TOUCH_END, function(){ this.endDrag(); }.bind(this)); clearInterval(draging.timer); draging.timer = setInterval(function(){ var x, y, dx, dy; if(draging.newMouseX){ dx = draging.newMouseX - draging.mouseX; dy = draging.newMouseY - draging.mouseY; x = draging.x + dx; y = draging.y + dy; if(this.type == "calc"){ this.returnValue(dx, dy, draging.newMouseX, draging.newMouseY); }else{ target.left(x).top(y); } } }.bind(this), 10); }, //private unRegisterDocumentEvent: function(){ var draging =; Ucren.delEvent(document, this.TOUCH_MOVE, draging.documentMouseMove); Ucren.delEvent(document, this.TOUCH_END, draging.documentMouseUp); Ucren.delEvent(document, "selectstart", draging.documentSelectStart); clearInterval(draging.timer); }, //private returnValue: function(dx, dy, x, y){ //todo something } } ); // Ucren.Template Ucren.Template = Ucren.Class( /* constructor */ function(){ this.string =, ""); }, /* methods */ { apply: function(conf){ return this.string.format(conf); } } ); // Ucren.BasicElement Ucren.BasicElement = Ucren.Class( /* constructor */ function(el){ this.dom = el; this.countMapping = {}; }, /* methods */ { isUcrenElement: true, attr: function(name, value){ if(typeof value == "string"){ this.dom.setAttribute(name, value); }else{ return this.dom.getAttribute(name); } return this; }, style: function(/* unknown1, unknown2 */){ var getStyle = Ucren.isIe ? function(name){ return this.dom.currentStyle[name]; } : function(name){ var style; style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.dom, null); return style.getPropertyValue(name); }; return function(unknown1, unknown2){ if(typeof unknown1 == "object"){ Ucren.each(unknown1, function(value, key){ this[key] = value; }.bind(; }else if(typeof unknown1 == "string" && typeof unknown2 == "undefined"){ return, unknown1); }else if(typeof unknown1 == "string" && typeof unknown2 != "undefined"){[unknown1] = unknown2; } return this; }; }(), hasClass: function(name){ var className = " " + this.dom.className + " "; return className.indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1; }, setClass: function(name){ if(typeof(name) == "string") this.dom.className = name.trim(); return this; }, addClass: function(name){ var el, className; el = this.dom; className = " " + el.className + " "; if(className.indexOf(" " + name + " ") == -1){ className += name; className = className.trim(); className = className.replace(/ +/g, " "); el.className = className; } return this; }, delClass: function(name){ var el, className; el = this.dom; className = " " + el.className + " "; if(className.indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1){ className = className.replace(" " + name + " ", " "); className = className.trim(); className = className.replace(/ +/g, " "); el.className = className; } return this; }, html: function(html){ var el = this.dom; if(typeof html == "string"){ el.innerHTML = html; }else if(html instanceof Array){ el.innerHTML = html.join(""); }else{ return el.innerHTML; } return this; }, left: function(number){ var el = this.dom; if(typeof(number) == "number"){ = number + "px"; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ left: number }]); }else{ return this.getPos().x; } return this; }, top: function(number){ var el = this.dom; if(typeof(number) == "number"){ = number + "px"; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ top: number }]); }else{ return this.getPos().y; } return this; }, width: function(unknown){ var el = this.dom; if(typeof unknown == "number"){ = unknown + "px"; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ width: unknown }]); }else if(typeof unknown == "string"){ = unknown; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ width: unknown }]); }else{ return this.getSize().width; } return this; }, height: function(unknown){ var el = this.dom; if(typeof unknown == "number"){ = unknown + "px"; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ height: unknown }]); }else if(typeof unknown == "string"){ = unknown; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ height: unknown }]); }else{ return this.getSize().height; } return this; }, count: function(name){ return this.countMapping[name] = ++ this.countMapping[name] || 1; }, display: function(bool){ var dom = this.dom; if(typeof(bool) == "boolean"){ = bool ? "block" : "none"; this.fireEvent("infect", [{ display: bool }]); }else{ return"display") != "none"; } return this; }, first: function(){ var c = this.dom.firstChild; while(c && !c.tagName && c.nextSibling){ c = c.nextSibling; } return c; }, add: function(dom){ var el; el = Ucren.Element(dom); this.dom.appendChild(el.dom); return this; }, remove: function(dom){ var el; if(dom){ el = Ucren.Element(dom); el.html(""); this.dom.removeChild(el.dom); }else{ el = Ucren.Element(this.dom.parentNode); el.remove(this); } return this; }, insert: function(dom){ var tdom; tdom = this.dom; if(tdom.firstChild){ tdom.insertBefore(dom, tdom.firstChild); }else{ this.add(dom); } return this; }, addEvents: function(conf){ var blank, el, rtn; blank = {}; rtn = {}; el = this.dom; Ucren.each(conf, function(item, key){ rtn[key] = Ucren.addEvent(el, key, item); }); return rtn; }, removeEvents: function(conf){ var blank, el; blank = {}; el = this.dom; Ucren.each(conf, function(item, key){ Ucren.delEvent(el, key, item); }); return this; }, getPos: function(){ var el, parentNode, pos, box, offset; el = this.dom; pos = {}; if(el.getBoundingClientRect){ box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); offset = Ucren.isIe ? 2 : 0; var doc = document; var scrollTop = Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop); var scrollLeft = Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft); return { x: box.left + scrollLeft - offset, y: + scrollTop - offset }; }else{ pos = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop }; parentNode = el.offsetParent; if(parentNode != el){ while(parentNode){ pos.x += parentNode.offsetLeft; pos.y += parentNode.offsetTop; parentNode = parentNode.offsetParent; } } if(Ucren.isSafari &&"position") == "absolute"){ // safari doubles in some cases pos.x -= document.body.offsetLeft; pos.y -= document.body.offsetTop; } } if(el.parentNode){ parentNode = el.parentNode; }else{ parentNode = null; } while(parentNode && parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" && parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "HTML"){ // account for any scrolled ancestors pos.x -= parentNode.scrollLeft; pos.y -= parentNode.scrollTop; if(parentNode.parentNode){ parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; }else{ parentNode = null; } } return pos; }, getSize: function(){ var dom = this.dom; var display ="display"); if (display && display !== "none") { return { width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight }; } var style =; var originalStyles = { visibility: style.visibility, position: style.position, display: style.display }; var newStyles = { visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }; if (originalStyles.position !== "fixed") newStyles.position = "absolute";; var dimensions = { width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight };; return dimensions; }, observe: function(el, fn){ el = Ucren.Element(el); el.on("infect", fn.bind(this)); return this; }, usePNGbackground: function(image){ var dom; dom = this.dom; if(/.png$/i.test(image) && Ucren.isIe6){ = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + image + "',sizingMethod='scale');"; /// _background: none; /// _filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='images/pic.png',sizingMethod='scale'); }else{ = "url(" + image + ")"; } return this; }, setAlpha: function(){ var reOpacity = /alphas*(s*opacitys*=s*([^)]+))/; return function(value){ var element = this.dom, es =; if(!Ucren.isIe){ es.opacity = value / 100; /* }else if(es.filter === "string"){ */ }else{ if (element.currentStyle && !element.currentStyle.hasLayout) es.zoom = 1; if (reOpacity.test(es.filter)) { value = value >= 99.99 ? "" : ("alpha(opacity=" + value + ")"); es.filter = es.filter.replace(reOpacity, value); } else { es.filter += " alpha(opacity=" + value + ")"; } } return this; }; }(), fadeIn: function(callback){ if(typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined") this.fadingNumber = 0; this.setAlpha(this.fadingNumber); var fading = function(){ this.setAlpha(this.fadingNumber); if(this.fadingNumber == 100){ clearInterval(this.fadingInterval); callback && callback(); }else this.fadingNumber += 10; }.bind(this); this.display(true); clearInterval(this.fadingInterval); this.fadingInterval = setInterval(fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30); return this; }, fadeOut: function(callback){ if(typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined") this.fadingNumber = 100; this.setAlpha(this.fadingNumber); var fading = function(){ this.setAlpha(this.fadingNumber); if(this.fadingNumber == 0){ clearInterval(this.fadingInterval); this.display(false); callback && callback(); }else this.fadingNumber -= 10; }.bind(this); clearInterval(this.fadingInterval); this.fadingInterval = setInterval(fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30); return this; }, useMouseAction: function(className, actions){ if(!this.MouseAction) this.MouseAction = new Ucren.MouseAction({ element: this }); this.MouseAction.use(className, actions); return this; } } ); if(Ucren.isIe) document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); for(var i in Ucren){ exports[i] = Ucren[i]; }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectbackground.js */ define("scripts/object/background.js", function(exports){ var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var image, time; var random = Ucren.randomNumber; exports.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/background.jpg", 0, 0, 640, 480 ); }; exports.wobble = function(){ time = timeline.setInterval( wobble, 50 ); }; exports.stop = function(){ time.stop(); image.attr({ x: 0, y: 0 }); }; function wobble(){ var x, y; x = random( 12 ) - 6; y = random( 12 ) - 6; image.attr({ x: x, y: y }); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectconsole.js */ define("scripts/object/console.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var x = 16, y = 0; var texts = []; exports.set = function(){ }; exports.clear = function(){ for(var i = 0, l = texts.length; i < l; i ++) texts[i].remove(); texts.length = y = 0; }; exports.log = function(text){ y += 20; texts.push( layer.createText( "default", text, x, y ) ); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectdeveloping.js */ define("scripts/object/developing.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var exponential =; /** * "coming soon" */ exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ this.image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/developing.png", 103, 218, 429, 53 ).hide().scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ); }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); this.hide( 2000 ); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.onZoomStart = function(){; }; exports.onZooming = function( time, sz, ez, z ){ this.image.scale( z = exponential( time, sz, ez - sz, 500 ), z ); }; exports.onZoomEnd = function( sz, ez, mode ){ if( mode === "hide" ) this.image.hide(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectdojo.js */ define("scripts/object/dojo.js", function(exports){ var rotate = require("scripts/factory/rotate"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = rotate.create("images/dojo.png", 41, 240, 175, 175, 1e-5,, 500);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectflame.js */ define("scripts/object/flame.js", function(exports){ /** * @author zswang, dron */ var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer( "fruit" ); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); /* raphael.path('M 27,122 Q 9,42 27,21 45,42 27,122') .attr({ stroke: 'none', fill: '180-#D8D380-#EDED7A-#D8D380' }); */ var math = Math, cos = math.cos, sin = math.sin, trunc = parseInt, random = math.random, PI = math.PI; var guid = 0; /** * @param{Array} center * @param{Number} angle * @param{Number} length * @param{Number} life */ function appendFlame( center, angle, length, life, flames ){ return flames[guid] = { id: guid ++, birthday: new Date, center: center, angle: angle, length: length, life: life, path: layer.path().attr({ stroke: 'none', fill: trunc( angle * 180 / PI ) + '-#fafad9-#f0ef9c' }) }; } var radius = 15; function updateFlame( flames, n ){ var item = flames[n]; if ( !item ) return; var age, center, p1, p2, p3, p4; age = 1 - (new Date - item.birthday) /; if ( age <= 0 ){ item.path.remove(); delete flames[]; return; } var ia, ic, il; ia = item.angle; ic =; il = item.length; center = [ trunc(ic[0] + cos(ia) * il * (1 - age)), trunc(ic[1] + sin(ia) * il * (1 - age)) ]; p1 = [ trunc(center[0] - cos(ia) * radius * age), trunc(center[1] - sin(ia) * radius * age) ]; p2 = [ trunc(center[0] + cos(ia) * radius * age), trunc(center[1] + sin(ia) * radius * age) ]; p3 = [ trunc(center[0] - cos(ia + .5 * PI) * radius * .4 * age), trunc(center[1] - sin(ia + .5 * PI) * radius * .4 * age) ]; p4 = [ trunc(center[0] - cos(ia - .5 * PI) * radius * .4 * age), trunc(center[1] - sin(ia - .5 * PI) * radius * .4 * age) ]; item.path.attr({ path: 'M' + p1 + ' Q' + [ p3, p2, p4, p1 ].join(' ') }); }; function removeFlame( flames, n ){ var item = flames[n]; if( !item ) return; item.path.remove(); delete flames[ n ]; }; exports.create = function( ox, oy, start ){ var timer1, timer2; var object = { pos: function( x, y ){ nx = x; ny = y; image.attr( "x", nx - 21 ).attr( "y", ny - 21 ); }, remove: function(){ [ timer1, timer2 ].invoke( "stop" ); image.remove(); for (var p in flames) removeFlame( flames, p ); } }; var nx = ox, ny = oy; var image = layer.image("images/smoke.png", nx - 21, ny - 21, 43, 43).hide(); var flames = {}; timer1 = timeline.setTimeout(function(){; timer2 = timeline.setInterval(function(){ if(random() < 0.9) appendFlame( [ nx, ny ], PI * 2 * random(), 60, 200 + 500 * random(), flames ); for (var p in flames) updateFlame( flames, p ); }, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 40); }, start || 0); return object; };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectflash.js */ define("scripts/object/flash.js", function(exports){ /** * */ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline") var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound"); var image, snd, xDiff = 0, yDiff = 0; var anim = tween.quadratic.cio; var anims = []; var dur = 100; var switchOn = true; // if( Ucren.isIe || Ucren.isSafari ) // switchOn = false; exports.set = switchOn ? function(){ image = layer.createImage( "flash", "images/flash.png", 0, 0, 358, 20 ).hide(); snd = sound.create( "sound/splatter" ); } : Ucren.nul; exports.showAt = switchOn ? function( x, y, an ){ image.rotate( an, true ).scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ).attr({ x: x + xDiff, y: y + yDiff }).show(); anims.clear && anims.clear();; timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: dur, data: [ 1e-5, 1 ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, recycle: anims }); timeline.createTask({ start: dur, duration: dur, data: [ 1, 1e-5 ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, recycle: anims }); } : Ucren.nul; exports.onTimeUpdate = switchOn ? function( time, a, b, z ){ image.scale( z = anim( time, a, b - a, dur ), z ); } : Ucren.nul;; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectfps.js */ define("scripts/object/fps.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var timeline =require("scripts/timeline"); var text, fps = "fps: "; exports.set = function(){ text = layer.createText( "default", fps + "0", 4, 470 ).attr( "fill", "#ccc" ); }; exports.update = function(){ text.attr( "text", fps + ( timeline.getFPS() >> 0 ) ); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectgame-over.js */ define("scripts/object/game-over.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var state = require("scripts/state"); var exponential =; /** * "game-over" */ exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ this.image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/game-over.png", 75, 198, 490, 85 ).hide().scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ); }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming, onTimeStart: this.onZoomStart, onTimeEnd: this.onZoomEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.onZoomStart = function( sz, ez, mode ){ if( mode == "show" ); }; exports.onZooming = function( time, sz, ez, z ){ this.image.scale( z = exponential( time, sz, ez - sz, 500 ), z ); }; exports.onZoomEnd = function( sz, ez, mode ){ if( mode == "show" ) state( "click-enable" ).on(); else if( mode === "hide" ) this.image.hide(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjecthome-desc.js */ define("scripts/object/home-desc.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/home-desc.png", 161, 91, -161, 140, 7, 127,, 500);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjecthome-mask.js */ define("scripts/object/home-mask.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/home-mask.png", 640, 183, 0, -183, 0, 0,, 1e3);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectknife.js */ define("scripts/object/knife.js", function(exports){ var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer( "knife" ); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var lastX = null, lastY = null; var abs = Math.abs; var life = 200; var stroke = 10; var color = "#cbd3db"; var anims = []; var switchState = true; var knifes = []; function ClassKnifePart( conf ){ =; =; this.ex = conf.ex; this.ey = conf.ey; knifes.push( this ); } ClassKnifePart.prototype.set = function(){ var sx, sy, ex, ey, dx, dy, ax, ay; sx =; sy =; ex = this.ex; ey = this.ey; dx = sx - ex; dy = sy - ey; ax = abs(dx); ay = abs(dy); if(ax > ay) sx += dx < 0 ? -1 : 1, sy += dy < 0 ? -( 1 * ay / ax ) : 1 * ay / ax; else sx += dx < 0 ? -( 1 * ax / ay ) : 1 * ax / ay, sy += dy < 0 ? -1 : 1; this.line = layer.path( "M" + sx + "," + sy + "L" + ex + "," + ey ).attr({ "stroke": color, "stroke-width": stroke + "px" }); timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: life, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.update, onTimeEnd: this.end, recycle: anims }); return this; }; ClassKnifePart.prototype.update = function( time ){ this.line.attr( "stroke-width", stroke * (1 - time / life) + "px" ); }; ClassKnifePart.prototype.end = function(){ this.line.remove(); var index; if( index = knifes.indexOf( this ) ) knifes.splice( index, 1 ); }; exports.newKnife = function(){ lastX = lastY = null; }; exports.through = function( x, y ){ if( !switchState ) return ; var ret = null; if( lastX !== null && ( lastX != x || lastY != y ) ) new ClassKnifePart({ sx: lastX, sy: lastY, ex: x, ey: y }).set(), ret = [ lastX, lastY, x, y ]; lastX = x; lastY = y; return ret; }; exports.pause = function(){ anims.clear(); this.switchOff(); }; exports.switchOff = function(){ switchState = false; }; exports.switchOn = function(){ switchState = true; this.endAll(); }; exports.endAll = function(){ for(var i = knifes.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) knifes[i].end(); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectlight.js */ define("scripts/object/light.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var maskLayer = layer.getLayer( "mask" ); layer = layer.getLayer( "light" ); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var random = Ucren.randomNumber; var pi = Math.PI; var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; var lights = []; var indexs = []; var lightsNum = 10; for(var i = 0; i < lightsNum; i ++) indexs[i] = i; exports.start = function( boom ){ var x = boom.originX, y = boom.originY, time = 0, idx = indexs.random(); var b = function(){ build( x, y, idx[ this ] ); }; for(var i = 0; i < lightsNum; i ++) timeline.setTimeout( b.bind( i ), time += 200 ); timeline.setTimeout(function(){ this.overWhiteLight(); }.bind( this ), time + 200); }; exports.overWhiteLight = function(){ message.postMessage( "" ); this.removeLights(); var dur = 4e3; var mask = maskLayer.rect( 0, 0, 640, 480 ).attr({ fill: "#fff", stroke: "none" }); var control = { onTimeUpdate: function( time ){ mask.attr( "opacity", 1 - time / dur ); }, onTimeEnd: function(){ mask.remove(); message.postMessage( "game.over" ); } }; timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: dur, object: control, onTimeUpdate: control.onTimeUpdate, onTimeEnd: control.onTimeEnd }); }; exports.removeLights = function(){ for(var i = 0, l = lights.length; i < l; i ++) lights[i].remove(); lights.length = 0; }; function build( x, y, r ){ var a1, a2, x1, y1, x2, y2; a1 = r * 36 + random( 10 ); a2 = a1 + 5; a1 = pi * a1 / 180; a2 = pi * a2 / 180; x1 = x + 640 * cos( a1 ); y1 = y + 640 * sin( a1 ); x2 = x + 640 * cos( a2 ); y2 = y + 640 * sin( a2 ); var light = layer.path( [ "M", x, y, "L", x1, y1, "L", x2, y2, "Z" ] ).attr({ stroke: "none", fill: "#fff" }); lights.push( light ); }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectlogo.js */ define("scripts/object/logo.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/logo.png", 288, 135, 17, -182, 17, 1,, 1e3);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectlose.js */ define("scripts/object/lose.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var message = require("scripts/message"); var anim =; var back =; /** * */ var o1, o2, o3, animLength = 500; var conf1 = { src: "images/x.png", sx: 650, ex: 561, y: 5, w: 22, h: 19 }; var conf2 = { src: "images/xx.png", sx: 671, ex: 582, y: 5, w: 27, h: 26 }; var conf3 = { src: "images/xxx.png", sx: 697, ex: 608, y: 6, w: 31, h: 32 }; var number = 0; exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ o1 = layer.createImage( "default", conf1.src,, conf1.y, conf1.w, conf1.h ).hide(); o2 = layer.createImage( "default", conf2.src,, conf2.y, conf2.w, conf2.h ).hide(); o3 = layer.createImage( "default", conf3.src,, conf3.y, conf3.w, conf3.h ).hide(); }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animLength, data: [ "show",, conf1.ex,, conf2.ex,, conf3.ex ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animLength, data: [ "hide", conf1.ex,, conf2.ex,, conf3.ex, ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.showLoseAt = function( x ){ var infx, inf = [ [ o1, conf1 ], [ o2, conf2 ], [ o3, conf3 ] ]; createPosShow( x ); infx = inf[ ( ++ number ) - 1 ]; infx[0].attr( "src", infx[1].src.replace( "x.png", "xf.png" ) ).scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ); this.scaleImage( infx[0] ); if( number == 3 ) number = 0, message.postMessage( "game.over" ); }; exports.scaleImage = function( image ){ var dur = 500; image.myOnScaling = image.myOnScaling || function( time, z ){ this.scale( z = back( time, 1e-5, 1 - 1e-5, dur ), z ); }; image.myOnScaleEnd = image.myOnScaleEnd || function(){ this.scale( 1, 1 ); }; timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: dur, object: image, onTimeUpdate: image.myOnScaling, onTimeEnd: image.myOnScaleEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.onTimeUpdate = function( time, mode, x1s, x1e, x2s, x2e, x3s, x3e ){ o1.attr( "x", anim( time, x1s, x1e - x1s, animLength ) ); o2.attr( "x", anim( time, x2s, x2e - x2s, animLength ) ); o3.attr( "x", anim( time, x3s, x3e - x3s, animLength ) ); }; exports.onTimeStart = function( mode ){ if( mode == "show" ) [ o1, o2, o3 ].invoke( "show" ); }; exports.onTimeEnd = function( mode ){ if( mode == "hide" ) [ o1, o2, o3 ].invoke( "hide" ), [ [ o1, conf1 ], [ o2, conf2 ], [ o3, conf3 ] ].forEach(function( infx ){ infx[0].attr( "src", infx[1].src.replace( "xf.png", "x.png" ) ); }); }; function createPosShow( x ){ var image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/lose.png", x - 27, 406, 54, 50 ).scale( 1e-5, 1e-5 ); var duration = 500; var control = { show: function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: duration, data: [, 1e-5, 1 ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeEnd: this.onShowEnd // recycle: anims }); }, hide: function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: duration, data: [, 1, 1e-5 ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeEnd: this.onHideEnd // recycle: anims }); }, onScaling: function( time, anim, a, b, z ){ image.scale( z = anim( time, a, b - a, duration ), z ); }, onShowEnd: function(){ this.hide( 1500 ); }, onHideEnd: function(){ image.remove(); } }; 200 ); }; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectnew-game.js */ define("scripts/object/new-game.js", function(exports){ var rotate = require("scripts/factory/rotate"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = rotate.create("images/new-game.png", 244, 231, 195, 195, 1e-5,, 500);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectnew.js */ define("scripts/object/new.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var image; var cycleTime = 300; var sx = 129, sy = 328, ex = 170, ey = 221, sw = 0, sh = 0, ew = 70, eh = 42, dy = 8; var showAnim =; var jumpAnim =; exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/new.png", sx, sy, sw, sh ); }; exports.unset = function(){ }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ sx, ex, sy, ey, sw, ew, sh, eh ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onShowing, onTimeStart: this.onShowStart, onTimeEnd: this.onShowEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ this.anims.clear(); timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: 500, data: [ ex, sx, ey, sy, ew, sw, eh, sh ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onShowing, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.jump = function(){ this.anims.clear(); timeline.createTask({ start: 0, duration: -1, object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onJumping, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.onShowStart = function(){ }; exports.onShowing = function( time, sx, ex, sy, ey, sw, ew, sh, eh ){ image.attr({ x: showAnim( time, sx, ex - sx, 500 ), y: showAnim( time, sy, ey - sy, 500 ), width: showAnim( time, sw, ew - sw, 500 ), height: showAnim( time, sh, eh - sh, 500 ) }); }; exports.onShowEnd = function(){ this.jump(); }; exports.onJumping = function(time){ var t = parseInt(time / cycleTime); time = time % cycleTime; if( t % 2 ) time = cycleTime - time; image.attr("y", jumpAnim( time, ey, dy, cycleTime )); };; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectninja.js */ define("scripts/object/ninja.js", function(exports){ var displacement = require("scripts/factory/displacement"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = displacement.create("images/ninja.png", 244, 81, 315, -140, 315, 43, { show:, hide: }, 1e3);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectquit.js */ define("scripts/object/quit.js", function(exports){ var rotate = require("scripts/factory/rotate"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); exports = rotate.create("images/quit.png", 493, 311, 141, 141, 1e-5,, 500);; return exports; }); /** * @source D:hostingdemosfruit-ninjaoutputscriptsobjectscore.js */ define("scripts/object/score.js", function(exports){ var layer = require("scripts/layer"); var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween"); var timeline = require("scripts/timeline"); var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren"); var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline ); var anim =; var message = require("scripts/message"); var image, text1, text2, animLength = 500;; var imageSx = -94, imageEx = 6; var text1Sx = -59, text1Ex = 41; var text2Sx = -93, text2Ex = 7; exports.anims = []; exports.set = function(){ image = layer.createImage( "default", "images/score.png", imageSx, 8, 29, 31 ).hide(); text1 = layer.createText( "default", "0", text1Sx, 24, "90-#fc7f0c-#ffec53", "30px" ).hide(); text2 = layer.createText( "default", "BEST 999", text2Sx, 48, "#af7c05", "14px" ).hide(); }; = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animLength, data: [ "show", imageSx, imageEx, text1Sx, text1Ex, text2Sx, text2Ex ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.hide = function( start ){ timeline.createTask({ start: start, duration: animLength, data: [ "hide", imageEx, imageSx, text1Ex, text1Sx, text2Ex, text2Sx ], object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd, recycle: this.anims }); }; exports.number = function( number ){ text1.attr( "text", number || 0 ); image.scale( 1.2, 1.2 ); setTimeout(function(){ image.scale( 1, 1 ); }, 60); // message.postMessage( number, "score.change" ); }; exports.onTimeUpdate = function( time, mode, isx, iex, t1sx, t1ex, t2sx, t2ex ){ image.attr( "x", anim( time, isx, iex - isx, animLength ) ); text1.attr( "x", anim( time, t1sx, t1ex - t1sx, animLength ) ); text2.attr( "x", anim( time, t2sx, t2ex - t2sx, animLength ) ); }; exports.onTimeStart = function( mode ){ if( mode === "show" ) [ image, text1, text2 ].invoke( "show" ); }; exports.onTimeEnd = function( mode ){ if( mode === "hide" ) [ image, text1, text2 ].invoke( "hide" ), text1.attr( "text", 0 ); };; return exports; }); startModule("scripts/main");
Simpan kode JavaScript di folder xampplite – htdocs – buka folder FruitNinja – buka folder script – simpan code JavaScript dengan nama script.js.
8. Reload alamat url : http://localhost/FruitNinja. Tampilan awal game. Untuk memainkan game, potong semangka yang ada didalam lingkaran new game.
Potong sebanyak-sebanyaknya buah yang muncul.
Tampilan game over.
9. Selesai, menarik sekali bukan?.
Demikian penjelasan dari tutorial ‘Cara Membuat Game Fruit Ninja dengan JavaScript’. Selamat mencoba.